The "Hobby" Pt: 2

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You just stared at Oliver and he laughed.
"You really are tired aren't you? Don't worry I'll carry you" he picked you up and carried you inside and lays you on the couch.
"You have a nap whilst I get it ready for you okay?" Lightly kissing you on the forehead he smiles and walks off down a hallway, watching him you sigh happily and fall asleep.

You wake up to the sound of Oliver humming.

The room seems colder somehow and when did the couch get so comfy? That smell, it's almost the smell of blood cross with... Nutmeg?

You sit up and go to rub your eyes, but you can't move your arms that far.

"You're awake at last."

Opening your eyes you see that you're not in that nicely decorated living room but a clean (slightly Bloody) Hospital like room.

"W...where am I?" You stutter trying not to cry, you're already shaking and terrified.

"This is what I wanted to show you sweetheart. My basement. My.... Hobby"

The way he said hobby made you shiver, you can't help but to start crying.

"Oh no  no darling don't cry" he holds your face and kisses your sticky tear stained nose.

"P....please don't k...kill me" at this point you can't stop crying and Oliver looks so worried that he's starting to resemble a cartoon character.

"Sweetheart I'm not going to hurt you ever,  okay?"  You nod whilst he undoes the chains binding you to the floor.

"Now please don't run away" he says this whilst rubbing your wrists then kissing them better.

"O...Oliver what this room?" You quietly ask
"This is my 'Studio' where I do all my hobby work" 

you were panicking pretty hard at this point that you started to feel dizzy and then suddenly you fainted, hitting the ground with a thud.

Here it is Finally!! hope you enjoy :P

I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now