A New Day

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Once again you awoke in a bed, but somehow this one felt different and smelt different. it was comfy and it didn't smell like a swimming pool mixed with the faint scent of blood, it smelt clean and inviting, it made you want to sprawl out and bury your face in the nice smelling pillow... wait... it smelt like Oliver... were you in his bed?

too scared to open your eyes still, you could hear peaceful breathing coming from right next to you. taking a deep breath you open your eyes and look beside you to find Oliver asleep... and by the looks of it he's only in boxers.

"oh my god!!" was all you could shout and unfortunately waking up Oliver in the process.

"hey darlin' how'd you sleep?" he said rubbing his eyes as he looked at me

"s...sorry  I woke you... I just wasn't expecting you to be there" somehow he didn't seem so scary in bed. he was... cutely vulnerable and you couldn't help but smile at his tired face.

"I thought you'd appreciate it more in my bed. the basement isn't a fit place for a beautiful woman such as yourself" he cupped your face and kissed you lightly on the lips.

Feeling his soft lips on yours, you couldn't help but kiss back. For the first time in a long time you felt safe even though you were kissing a serial killer but at this moment in time you couldn't care less.

he pulls away and smiles. "you must be hungry after all that stress I put you through yesterday. i'm sorry for that but I felt like I could trust you and still can"

you politely nod "I really fancy pancakes"

"then pancakes you may have" he gets up and puts a pair of jeans on then makes his way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

you smile and lay your head on his pillow as you watch him walk out, feeling yourself slowly drift back into sleep but you would have stopped yourself if you knew about the nightmare that was to arrive in your slumber...

~ WOAHHHHHH I'M BACK!! sorry but like a week after the last chapter was published I got a place in school so I've been focusing mainly on that so if the chapters are few and far apart I deeply apologize because School and Anxiety stop you from doing the things you love >.>

anyhoo!! I would really appreciate ideas for the upcoming chapters and i'll make sure to mention you in them so hmu if you want to see your idea in here..... YAY!!

I would also love to say thank you to everyone who voted and gave love and support on this story it means so much to me and reminds me that people like reading this shit *LMAO XD*

Okai thanks and baii~


I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now