The Letter

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You had been going about your life, surviving as you do, the recent events had left you feeling rather numb and you'd lost most, if not all, what made you, you.

Oliver, your rock, your best friend and your family. He had been patient with you, given you space to heal and deal with the sudden passing of Elizabeth, your most beloved sister. You appreciated everything he did and does for you but miss the way you were. Since Elizabeth's funeral you two had sort of drifted apart, still in love but less intimate and close as you used to be.

One dull, sunny afternoon you were sat on the porch when you noticed a letter had been left in the plant pot next to the door. The only reason you saw it was because you were thinking about watering the plant anyways.

"stupid." you muttered quietly. "who puts a paper envelope in soil, what if I hadn't seen it, it would simply decompose."

Rolling your eyes you opened it slowly and saw the letter was written on a mid-tone coloured paper. Strange yet not uncommon. Sliding the paper slowly out of its little tomb you realized that the envelope had no address or name on it, whoever delivered it did it themselves. Opening the letter you read the writing.

Dearest Oliver,
How's life treating you?
I know you had something to do with my daughters disappearance. Tell me and I won't turn you in to the police, please I beg of you. You haven't heard the last of me I tell you. That pretty little thing you're parading around, if you love her you'll do what I say
- yours always, M.
Kisses xxx.

Your eyes widened as you read the letter. Who the hell was 'M' and what did she want. You still loved Oliver regardless of his favorite pass time activity, but you know the court won't be so forgiving. And kisses? Why was she sending your Oliver kisses?

You went inside, tucking the letter neatly into your dress pockets. Running into the bedroom you put on your most slutty outfit, one you know Oliver loves to see you in and fresh makeup ought to do the trick. every inch of the look was carefully thought and planned out to lure in poor Oliver and pounce when he's vulnerable. Sitting in his chair and smoking a cigarette you felt the fire return to your body like never before as you waited for 'dearest Oliver' to come home. You missed feeling like this and finally felt like yourself.

You couldn't wait to get started.

To be continued...

// yeah im back, sorta, I guess. I took a long break and I'm sorry all but here's the chapter I've been meaning to publish for like a year idk lol :3. I will try update and publish more, I love writing so dunno why I don't. :3 xxx

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