"i'm Sorry"

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Oliver looked at you with those soft, doe-like, brown eyes. "please, don't cry my dear." he slowly stretched his big hands out to caress your face, but you take a step back. "I want the truth Ol. Who is the woman that wrote this letter? and what the hell is she on about?" you could see the puzzled look in his eyes. The trouble with loving a killer is not knowing how he truly feels. To kidnap all those girls he must be good at hiding his intentions and altering his emotions  to perceive kinder to all those vulnerable young women. 

"I honestly have no idea (y/n)!" he rose his voice. you hated that. it scared you. "this is ridiculous! you're accusing me of something I have no recollection of! and so is this mysterious 'm'" you retreated back into yourself, the memories of past trauma come flooding back. you cry even more. "I...I.." you couldn't get your words out. "I need some fresh air." you thrusted the tear-sodden letter into his hands, throw a coat around your shoulders and rush out the front door onto the road outside. 

about an hour or two walking down the road you find yourself sat in a small, pitstop, diner. "excuse me miss" you look up to see an old lady with kind eyes looking down at you with pity "are you going to order anything?" she smiles. you muster up some strength to speak. "I.. I'll have some fries please, just a small, thank you." Scribbling on a small crinkly notepad, she scrunches her nose in an attempt to adjust her glasses. "no problem my dear." and with that she scuttled away through the back door, presumably leading to the kitchen. 

Whilst waiting for your food you gaze out the window absent minded and notice a car pulling into the small carpark. Your heart pace picked up and you felt a lump form in your throat. Oliver got out of the car and you watched him walk into the diner but not any further. He sat down in the red booth opposite where the fake, cheap, leather was peeling like the wallpaper in an abandoned nursery. He cleared his throat. "(y/n)" He spoke softer than butter. "I am truly sorry (y/n), if there's anything I can do to gain your forgiveness and trust then I will do just that"

You muttered "tell me who she is" but it came out as normal volume.

he sighed "I told you I don't know" you could see in the windows reflection he was trying to gather his thoughts. "But maybe we can find out together? as a team". You looked at him and slowly nodded. To say the least you just wanted this whole ordeal to be over and you wanted to go home and for it to be a new day. 

"can we just go home? I'm very tired and I want today to be over." You said to him quietly, still not making any eye contact but you, for the first time in the diner, looked in his general direction. 

Oliver smiled and helped you up, he grabbed the portion of fries and let you eat them on the way home in the car. You couldn't help but fall madly in love with the dopey way he smiled and how warm and fuzzy he made you feel.  

Watching the houses and bushes pass by the car window you slowly drifted off to sleep and woke up the next morning in your bed and the sweet smell of your favourite pancakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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I ____ You...   An Oliver Thredson X Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now