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As Lele stepped on the boat, she can feel herself rocking side to side as the waters beneath it shifted. The boat was nearly full and just to the corner of her eye, she can spot two empty seats.

She took her suitcases as the wheels rolled after her to the seat and soon, she could finally relax, closing her eyes, but only to be interrupted by the movements of someone next to her. She sat up, turning her head to meet the same familiar pair of blue eyes that she met earlier before.

"You again!" She cried

"You!" He pulled back his head.

"What are you doing here?!"

"The same reason you're here,"

"No. You're following me!" Lele softly yelled.

"Why will I?! It's just a coincidence that we happened to be sitting next to each other."

Lele sighed and turned around to face the windows, completely ignoring the boy. She folded her arms and pouted her lips, staring at the calm blue waters of the sea.

Please buckle up and enjoy the ride. We will be leaving in five minutes.

The woman on the P.A system announced.

Shortly, the boat could be felt driving off the waters slowly and soon, it moved faster. Lele pressed her face against the window as she watched the waters fly in the air and caused huge waves to form behind the vehicle.

"First time?" The guy asked, sipping on a bottle of Orange Juice.

"No," Lele sounded calm, "actually it's my fifth."

"Your fifth on a boat ride?!" He questioned. His accent came again and Lele looked at him.

"Where are you from?" She ignored his statement.


"You just sound completely different from American."

"I'm Mexican," he smiled.

"Wow! I'm Venezuelan,"

"Well would you look at that," the blue-eyed boy chuckled.


"First we fell on each other. Then we're sitting next to each other. And now we're both living in America but not Americans. Crazy, right?"

Lele confusely nodded her head as she knitted her eyebrows together and turned back to face the window.

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