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"You know we just met, right?" Lele asked sitting under a shelter of a Smoothies shop with Juanpa at a beach. The rain was falling but not as heavy as she thought it would. Juanpa made annoying noises with his straw as he drank the last bit of Mango Smoothie out his glass before answering.

"Yeah. What are you trying to say?" He stopped, staring into her dark brown eyes.

"You seem like you like me."

"I just find you're cute," he smiled widely exposing perfectly white teeth.

"You find every girl's cute, right?" Lele scoffed.

"No. Just the ones that fell from heaven." Lele blushed. They were silent and the background sound of children playing in the waters was heard. Juanpa and Lele stared at each other for a mere two minutes before breaking the silence.

"Well, the sky is clearing up. How bout we take a bath?" Lele insisted.

"That sounds like a plan,"

Lele took off her floral dress. Underneath was her two part bikini. Juan wore a large, black pants that remained above his knee.

"Last one is the rotton egg!" Juanpa yelled and they both took off into the white sand, Juanpa landing into the clear waters first.

"Your legs are long," Lele laughed splashing water in his face.

"You're just slow!" Juanpa teased and they splashed water at each other. Lele took out few pictures of Juanpa and one photo, had her laughing. He had the weirdest smile.

The water was warm after an hour

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The water was warm after an hour. It was time to leave, for it was already past five in the evening. They came out the waters quickly, drying and changing and the whole group traveled back to the boat and on.

"So, you're leaving back to Mexico?" Lele sounded concerned.

"Actually, I have to meet some family in California,"

"Wow! How long will you be staying?"

"About a month or two,"

"Nice! Cause I'll be in Florida. I might be visiting soon." Lele winked.

"How come?"

"Because I think I actually like you."

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