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July fourth was in one week,now.

The skies were bright pink. The moon was still out but fading away as the light from the sun rose. It was a day that Lele and Juanpa and almost every other citizen of America was going to celebrate.

The time was only after six in the morning and Lele and her family were already leaving to Boston.

After a few hours and maybe a few days of drive and stopping off at little apartments to rent and spend their nights, they were invited to the smell of gas, oil, fried food and every other thing you can possibly think of. The area was large and the skies were bright blue. Many people walked the streets.

July fourth was in one day, now.

The time for celebrating was almost here and Lele and her family rented a room in a little apartment. Again, she locked herself in a room she shared with her cousins. She stared up to the wooden ceiling, as she pouted her lips and threw a tantrum on her bed.

"Fuuu-" but she was cut off by one of her cousins as he burst through the door.

"Aunty is calling you," he said.

"Mom," Lele whispered, sluggishly getting off her bed. The scent of pancakes and plantain dozed her into her wonderland. Never had she ever smelled those foods.

Lele noticed her cousins, aunts and uncles already ate, for she was left alone by the table, stuffing her mouth.

"Ma. When am I going to get back my phone?" She asked.

"Maybe never." Her mother replied, washing the dishes. "You'll get it back tomorrow, sweetheart," she laughed.

Lele felt relieved.

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