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"Stop staring at me," demanded Lele, staring at the reflection on the window of the blue-eyed boy. She still have not learned his name and she was annoyed she did not.

"Oh. I was not looking at you. I was staring at myself. I'm cute gorgeous, you know."

Lele quickly turned around, flying her long, blonde hair into the boy's mouth and he continuously spat in her face as he scraped his tounge.

"Lo siento. ¿Como te llamas?" She smiled, asking him his name.

"Oh. You know Spanish!" He laughed.

"I told you. I'm Venezuelan."

"Well, then. Me llamo Juanpa, ¿Y usted?" He said his name and asked hers.

"My name's Lele,"

"Is it short for something?" He asked. Lele could tell he was rather perplexed.

"No. It's just my nickname. I like being called 'Lele' but my real name is Eleonora,"

"Oh. Well, isn't it funny that you're talking to me and you warned me to leave you alone?"

"Well, it's a long ride. It will be boring just staring outside this little window so why not talk to the cute blue-eyed boy?"

"You think I'm cute?"

"Ha! Don't feel special. I call my grandmother cute." The words that came out Lele's mouth made Juanpa frown.

"Well, I think you're cute." He muttered, hoping that Lele did not hear him.

"You really think so?!" Juanpa felt his heart jump. He really hoped she did not hear that but he showed no reaction. Instead he shrugged his shoulder, looking down to his toes.

"Well to be honest, I think I'm cute too," and Lele stood up, taking a squeeze past Juanpa as she left her seat to head to the little place to buy some food, returning ten minutes later with a pack of Potato chips and and a bottle of cold water.

"Why are you doing that?" Juanpa asked, looking a bit depressed.

Lele looked down at him, gazing into his blue eyes. Tears remained in his eyes as it gave the illusion that his orbs were shining. She felt guilty and she did find that the Mexican guy with wavy brunette hair and large blue eyes was cute but how can she tell a guy that who she met less than an hour ago?

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