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Juanpa stared at Lele. She stared back but they said no word. Their eyes moved away from each other in unison and the entire ride back home was quiet.

After a two hours drive or more, they finally arrived to Washington. Lele and Juanpa were asleep and a female passenger with two children had to wake them up.

Lele caught herself resting her head on Juanpa's shoulder and she quickly stood up while Juanpa still looked confused as to where he was.

"It's time to go." Lele said, rubbing her eyes and looking outside the window to see it was already dark. The buildings from afar were the only thing that made outside bright. Juanpa got up, leaving with Lele through the crowd.

"Wait," she said as they got off the boat, "I did not get your number,"

"You want it?"

Lele nodded. Juanpa quickly said his and she took out her smart phone, saving the number and saving a picture of him. Juanpa saved hers as well and they separated.

Let's hope not forever.

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