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Juanpa's POV

Standing in the middle of the crowd, like a complete asocial guy, was Juanpa, dancing to the instrument music out of timing. His brunette hair was soaked with water and colored powder. His blue jersey now looked pink and he was just there, sipping on a whole bottle of Tequila.

He can see his mother and father, out the crowd, watching him with such a 'sinister' smile. Rudy, Maia, Hannah and Anwar was there as well, being more asocial than Juanpa, watching girls pass them, almost half naked and Hannah was forced to stay out with Anwar. They were not together but they had a strong relationship but out of the corner he saw this beautiful, blonde hair girl, dancing and parading.

Wait. Is that Lele? He asked himself.

He quickly stood up straight and pushed through the crowd, ignoring the pain of people stepping on his toes and finally, he stood behind the girl and poked her shoulder, only to meet unfamiliar green eyes. His face grew in disgust as he slowly stepped back but he swore he saw Lele.

"Juanpa?" A soft voice called,blocking the loud, music from entering his ears. He slowly turned around and finally, was greeted to the pair of brown eyes he was longing to see.

"Lele!" Juanpa cried.

"I thought I was not going to see you again!" Tears rolled down her pale cheeks and they flew into a hug. Who would have known that July fourth was going to be this Romantic.

"Wait!" Hannah called, standing beside them and panting like a dog. Her friends chased up behind her and so did Juanpa's mother and father. "This is the girl you told us about?" She finally caught her breath. Pele blushed and Juanpa held her hands tightly and curled his fingers around gets as he nodded. Juanpa's mother and father pushed through them, walking up to Pele and missing her on the forehead in the middle of the crowd, embarrassing her and themselves.

"Can we take this outside?" Juanpa pleaded and so they did.

"So you are the Latina Juanpa mentioned about?" Juanpa's mother asked.

"Yes," Lele said but they were interrupted by her mother.

"Do you guys need help?" She asked but as she rose her eyes up to the blue ones, she noticed."You're Juanpa from that picture on the messages?!"

"Yes, ma,"

"Miss, your daughter and my son are in love," Juanpa's mother said.

"I know,"

"Let them enjoy themselves,"

Lele's mother stopped and think. She waited a minute before replying, "alright. She's a big girl! Go on, Eleonora!" Lele jumped up and down and entered the xeowd with Juanpa.

Juanla held her by her face and said, "this was quite an awkward moment,"

"What do you mean?"

"I thought some other blonde girl was you. Then we met each other's parents. Do tiu know how nervous I was?"

"Right now I'm nervous being around you,"

Juanpa laughed, "Lele. You look cute when you're all shy," and he leaned in to give her the most passionate kiss they ever had, with pink powder flying around them and lovely music playing in the background.

It was Lele's first kiss and both their first real love.


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