Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Really, sweetie, the boy was obsessed with you!" Penny said for what seemed to be the millionth time.

"Mom! Would you give it a break? She already thinks I'm a stalker. I mean, that's practically one of the first few lines she said to me." Eric groaned.

"Oh Eric, be quiet, love is strange like that! Why don't you go into the kitchen and get us some rusk? We bought them in the airport on the way back, you know?" Eric rolled his eyes and nodded in response, getting up to go to the kitchen.

He was so embarrassed, his mother had asked Nicole every single question he had been hoping to avoid that evening. Surprisingly, Nicole had answered it all honestly. There was nothing she hid about her own family, the horrors of her childhood. This was because both she and Eric were aware that Penny spoke out of love and affection.

Eric was so happy that they clicked immediately. When he had mentioned Nicole's real name, she had been stiff for a while but when Penny had asked for the whole story, which Nicole told her honestly, she opened up completely. Nicole could see what a wonderful woman she was, and she hoped to always have Penny in her life.

Greg, on the other hand, had hardly said a word. He just smiled and nodded when Nicole looked at him while she was speaking. Then again, outside the spotlight, he wasn't a man of many words. In fact, he liked to keep to himself mostly. Never attended parties like all the other stars, just observed people from a distance if he did attend. Eric and him spoke a lot, though. He made sure he had a great relationship with his son. No secrets.

"I am really sorry about your background and what you have gone through." Penny said.

"It's a thing of the past, now. And I have Eric." Nicole said, smiling.

"And Greg and I are there for you, too. I'm always there if you need someone to talk to. I know my son can be... quiet something to handle. And god, the number of exes. How many have you run into?" She asked, fearing the answer.

"Oh, just 5 or 6." Nicole said. "Don't worry, nothing can scare me away. I know I've changed him for good." She added and was happy to see the relief on Penny's face.

"Well, good to know." Penny said, chuckling, clearly remembering some of Eric's exes. This girl was worth not seeing her son for 10 months. She could almost understand how he had become so consumed in her.

"Yes, it is. Thank you for being so understanding about everything, Mrs. Jor- Penny." Nicole said.

"It really is no problem, speaking about understanding, I hope that you have no problem with our family... the rest of our family, I mean. You should know that the three of us, we just give... financial aid, which is so that there are no problems. And that will stop in a few months. But don't worry, we'll never have to worry about them invading our li-"

"Mother! She doesn't know!" Eric screamed, running back into the drawing room from the kitchen.

Penny went pale and Greg turned to Eric, anger in his eyes. "You didn't tell her? Do you know how unfair that is?"

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