Chapter 1

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So, as some may know, I had already started writing this book a little while ago but ended up deleting all of it. Honestly not sure why, I guess I just didn't like the pace and how I was writing it. So now I decided to pick it back up sorta start some things over and edit the story a bit. 


Chapter 1

Kellins POV

Moving day. Great... I knew the day was upon me but now that it was here I was dreading it even more so. My mother was dragging me to the other side of town with her because my father wants nothing to do with me anymore, not that I'm complaining about that, but the fact we have to move? That part sucks. I've never been one of those kids allowed to do much other than school, of course the occasional birthday parties and simple friend hang outs, but most of the time if I wanted to do something fun I had to sneak out to do so. In all honesty I'm surprised my parents didn't divorce sooner, I think they were trying to wait until I was out of school to do so but no such luck. Still one year left of high school and moving from my 3-story home to the other side of town where my mom and I will both be living in a flat house in a crowded neighborhood. Great.

"Kellin!" I heard my mom chirp, bring me back to reality. "Go grab the last box from the car please."

I grunted and slipped off the couch walking to our car. This new house wasn't bad, it just didn't feel like home. Walking out the front door and looking down the street I already knew that this new life would be hard to adjust to. There were a couple motorcycles parked down the street in one of the houses drive ways

"Hey mom, I think you bought a house near a drug dealers place" I hollered at her.

"Kellin don't be rude." My mother pestered, she snatched the box from my hands shaking her head. I simply shrugged giving her a sly smile. Even though she was being sincere, part of her seemed a bit worried that we might have, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if we had.

"Alright but when I don't make it home from school tomorrow, you know where to look first." I said to her, even though I knew she was tuning me out. I sighed and slumped back down onto the couch. I turned on the TV to nothing particular to waste time when I once again heard my mom's voice ringing in my ears.

"Why don't you go walk to your new school? Its close enough that you won't need to borrow the car everyday. Besides, I'm going to start dinner and when you get back it should be ready."

I guess it didn't sound like a bad idea, considering I didn't even know where the school was and I would have to be there tomorrow morning, that's another thing I'll have to get used to. My old school started at 9, now I start at 8:30.

"Yeah sure" I agreed to her slipping my shoes on. "Bye" I waved and walked out the door, closing it before she had a chance to say bye back.

My feet hit the pavement in a thud and my lungs were filled with the cool weather. It was cold enough that if I hadn't been wearing a jacket, I'd need one, but not so cold you're shivering. It was nice. This was my kind of weather. I strolled down the street slowly taking in my surroundings as I passed by, thinking about how much school is going to suck tomorrow. I made it down our street when I heard yelling coming from the house with the motorcycles. My curiosity was running high but my will to live was running higher, so I picked up my pace and turned the corner down our street. I could already see the school way down the road. It was quite big, much larger than my old school. Then again, not many people could afford to live where I did.

As the school came closer into view, my ears picked up the sound of motorcycles starting. I flinched at the roar of noise and turned back wondering if I could see them, I couldn't, so I continued my journey to the school. There was a huge fence covering the perimeter and on the front of the school there was a simple bar style gate which was open at the moment. I strolled in and found my way to one of the outside cafeteria sitting areas. I surveyed the place for a few moments, wondering what school would be like here. I've never really been a shy kid before, I was on the soccer team at my old school, in a few clubs, but here? This school made me feel... small. Something I wasn't used to.

The sound of engines caught my attention and I dropped my thoughts instantly. The motorcycle people were parked in the school lot, which was just left of me. All of them except one pulled out some cigarettes, this time my curiosity did get the better of me and I found my feet moving towards them. No matter how many times my brain told them no, my feet kept moving. I was against the wall, looking at the boys. The one not smoking was wearing a leather jacket, he looked broad and muscular. Two of the boys had long hair, and even a couple tattoos. The other guy I couldn't see too well, there was a tree in the way of my stalking.

"Thought you said he'd be here at 7 Vic?" A guy said, taking a long huff on a cig after.

"Calm down Mikey, he's gonna show." The guy in the leather jacket responded. So, I guess he's Vic and that guy is Mike?

"Yeah, I think there's our guy now" I heard another voice said and point. I peaked around the corner and saw a black car rolling up. Holy shit- what am I witnessing?

A guy stepped out of the car, he was wearing dark sunglasses and had tattoos on his arms. I couldn't pick out much about his features as I was too far away to see anything specific. He strolled up to the guys.

"Want one?" That Mike guy asked holding out a box of cigarettes.

"Nah, let's get to business. What you bring?" The guys voice was deep

Vic opened the pack on the bike he was sitting on and took out a large brown bag. "20,000" He said and tossed it over to him.

The guy in sunglasses opened the bag and took out a huge stack of money. Holy shit! I tried to turn away and run home, the last thing I need is for someone to see me here spying in on a drug deal. But I was so enticed on what was happening, I couldn't, my feet were glued to the ground.

He turned around, nodded to someone in the car, and next thing I see is a guy carrying over a duffle bag. He tossed it on the ground in front of Vic and returned to the car.

"Pleasure doing business" Sunglasses guy said.

"Likewise" Vic replied, and with that the guys in the black car were driving down the street.

I finally managed to pry my feet from the ground and quietly walked away. Once I was out of view of the parking lot I let out the breath I had been holding in. I just witnessed a drug deal my new schools parking lot. That makes me feel really safe coming here now. Great. I started heading for the gate to leave when something grabbed my shoulder. I jumped at the touch and spun around. There standing in front of me was the guy in leather- Vic I suppose. Up close I could see a lot more of him, he had that total bad boy vibe down. And although I couldn't see any visible tattoos on him he did have a nose ring, and his hair was long touching his shoulders. He wasn't much taller than me, maybe only a couple inches.

"Next time you plan to watch something like that be a bit more sneaky" His voice filled the silence. "If those other guys saw you, you wouldn't still be here" His lips curled into a smile at the end. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out at first. I stood there gaped mouth staring at him.

"You ok?" He asked me, raising his brows. Why is he being nice? I thought drug dealers were mean people?

"Yeah-" I finally said "I'm fine, sorry for snooping around I'm new here"

"Ah, well, good. Then you don't have any one to tell about what happened here do you?" Although his voice was kind I still felt slightly threatened. So, I nodded my head.

"Nope" I choked out.

He smiled at me, looked my up and down, "See ya around" he winked and turned on his heels, heading back to the lot. I gulped.

Oh boy, Kellin. What did you get yourself into?  

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