Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Despite the fact I ended up spending the other night alone, I woke up seemingly optimistic. I didn't see Vic at all on Sunday which was a bit of a bummer, I'm not one to be very clingy but I was a bit upset when Vic didn't call me, perhaps I was only a bit upset because I was scared something would happen. But, I didn't let it bother me, I decided to work on school projects for extra credit anyways. Today I was in a good mood, which I haven't felt in forever. Vic did call me this morning, so all was well in the world of Kellin, momentarily at least.

When I had got to school everything felt different. I felt like I was in a new school or an alternative reality. People weren't even looking at me, no one made any comments about me. Even in class when I answered a question, there were no snide comments. It was baffling. I was so confused as to what happened to the school, it almost kind of felt like they were avoiding me. Not that I'm complaining, I enjoy company but on my own terms. I was walking down the hall way, unfortunately not paying much attention (I seem to do that a lot) and ended up knocking into someone. I took a stumble back but regained myself.

"I'm so sorry" I exclaimed, as the person turned around their hooded eyes locked with mine, I instantly recognized him as the guy who punched me last week. He must have noticed who I was too because he got this devious look on his face.

"Austin, don't. He's with Vic." Some person beside him said, I looked over at him confused.

"Why does that matter?" I quizzed. The guy- I guess Austin, dropped his hands which were clenched into fists and turned around, quickly walking away, as did all his friends following suit. How the hell would he know about that I'm with Vic? He wanted to keep our relationship on the hush anyways so I figured word got out that Vic and I were hooking up again. There was no way the entire school knew about us.

"That was weird." A voice startled me from behind. I caught my chest with my hand feeling my rising heart rate, I turned to see it was Vic standing beside me. "C'mon it's lunch." he said sweetly. I dropped the thought and fell into a light pace as we weaved our way through the school, out to the court yard cafeteria. It felt good having a sort-of boyfriend, and it felt even better knowing that it was Vic.

"You okay today?" He asked me as we sat on the bench together, we were the first ones here as Tony, Mike, and Jaime were not in sight.

"Mhm" I nodded and grabbed my bag, pulling out my lunch. "Are you?" I asked him, suddenly thinking there was something I was missing.

"Yea Kells" He replied nonchalantly, "Saturday night was fun though hey" He nudged me with his arm, I found myself rolling my eyes in response, but nodded my head nonetheless.

"Yes, it was fun" I chuckled. "Sucks you had to leave though" I pouted my bottom lip, he gave me an apologetic look. "I know I know, business. It's okay" I reassured him, and then I heard some laughing behind us. I turned to see it was the rest of the gang.

"Hey guys" I said once they came into audible range.

"Hey" Jaime replied casually as he sat on across from Vic. "How you doing?" He asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice

"I'm good, thanks" I responded ignoring his suggestive tone. I guess I expected Vic had told them we were together since it seems like they tell each other everything, and it seems like half the school already knows too. I gave Vic a glance, a silent way of asking him if they knew. He seemed to understand what I meant because he shook his head. Mike sat on the bench across from me and plopped his elbows on the table, then proceeded to fold his arms in front of him.

"So, Vic. Is your party this weekend?" Tony asked before taking a bite out of the cafeteria food, which looked like pasta but who really knows when you go to public school.

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