Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

His lips tasted like how sunshine feels. It was warm, and made something inside me grow, like there was something blooming in me. His lips felt like home. The feeling I've been begging for since I moved to this awful place. He made me feel okay again, and I wanted more. I laid on my bed, touching my lips hoping to feel him again only to be met with my cold breath on my fingertips. After Vic and I kissed, things got a bit heated but didn't lead any further than kissing. Even after I told him I was okay with it he said no, which made me angry. So, I went home. And ever since then I've been lying in my bed, I didn't feel like I got any sleep last night, but I know I did cause here I am awake. Then again maybe I have a hangover and that why I'm tired. I rolled over on my side and faced the window in my room.

I saw the breeze going through my backyard, rustling the trees around and picking up a couple fallen leaves. December weather was nice in my opinion, I enjoyed the cool air unlike most. My mom hated it. With the thought of that in mind, I pried my exhausted body off my bed and put some new clothing on -considering I slept in mine last night- and left my room. My mom was sitting in the living room, it was already noon so I knew she would be up waiting for me to get up too. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me.

"Morning- or should I say good afternoon" She teased

"Hi" I replied monotone

"You up late last night?" I suddenly got nervous, feeling like she already knew I went out and was just trying to test me if I would lie.

"Sorta yeah" Which wasn't a lie "I was caught up in my book, started to get interesting"

"Mh" She shrugged, "Alright." she dismissed the conversation, obviously not too interested in it, and went back to her phone. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of cold water, quickly downing it. It helped wake me up but I knew I needed some fresh air.

"I'm going for a walk" I shouted to her as I stepped out the front door. I heard her mumbled an okay under her breath as I closed the door.

I walked down the street slowly, dragging my feet with every step. Of course the second I was outside my mind went back to Vic instantly. I felt so angry at Vic, he asked to kiss me and I accepted, but the second I tried to take things further he shut me down again? It just doesn't seem fair to me. Vic seems to know how to play with my feelings a lot or he just must not know that people have them. I shouldn't be this angry over something this small, it was only a kiss, right? Walking past the Fuentes house you couldn't even tell there had been a party, it looked spotless, almost cleaner than it was before the party if I say so myself. I was walking slowly, as if I was hoping to run into Vic, which I didn't, I did however run into another Fuentes boy- Mike.

"Hey Mike" I waved to him, he was standing on the side of his house smoking a cigarette.

"Hey" He loudly replied, he dropped his cig and stepped on it to put it out before jogging over to me. "You come last night?"

I nodded "Yeah, for about an hour."

"Cool, too bad I didn't see you"

"What was the party for anyways?" I asked curiously

"T'was my birthday" He winked playfully with a laugh

"Oh!" I was shocked, he didn't mention that, nor did Vic "Happy belated birthday then."


"Your parents okay with parties that crazy?" I asked him playfully with a laugh.

His expression changed. The curl at the end of his lips dropped down and turned into a disappointed frown. I felt sorry for asking him that, I've never really been a good person at making people feel better. I never know what to say and typically I end up sounding dumb or coming off as rude. I bit my lip not knowing what to do in the situation. His eyes had a small glaze over them, he brought his hand to his face and wiped his mouth like he had something on them.

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