Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Vic had me pinned up against the bathroom wall, his hand groped my quickly growing member while his lips assaulted my neck. I bit my lip in hopes to hold back the moans, it was currently lunch time and I didn't want to give any students the curiosity to see what was going on in here. I trailed my hand down his stomach and I heard him sharp inhale as my hand rested on top of his member. He stopped kissing me to catch his breath, it was unbelievably hot seeing him like this. His eyes clouded over with lust as he stared at me. He stopped palming the front of my jeans and I let out a whimper in response. He grabbed my hand and lead it past his jeans into his boxers, someone's eager. I mean, I know I am too. I grabbed hold of him and groped his hard member, he moaned in response to my touch and I smiled. I started stroking him slowly to which he grunted in response.

"Faster Kellin" he demanded, his voice low and raspy. I didn't obey though, just kept going slow.

"Touch me and I will" I whispered into his ear

He growled in the back of his throat. "Fuck" he whispered. His hand found its way back to my hard member and he quickly undid my jeans and grabbed hold of me. I moaned at his touch, knowing I wasn't going to last much longer. I picked up the pace finally, flicking my wrist up and down, he mirrored my motion and I fell into a fit of moans, not bothering to hold them back.

"Vic" I muttered, signaling I was close. He nodded in response, silently telling me he was close too. I trialed my thumb over his tip and soon he was moaning into my ear as he released into my hand. His moans sent me over the edge and I too was coming into his hand. We stood there panting for a few moments, trying to catch our breath. He moved so he was leaning against the wall beside me and gave me a small smile before walking to the sink and cleaning himself up.

"So," I muttered out, not entirely sure what to say. He dried his hands on his jeans and looked at me questionably.

"What?" He asked disinterested

I sighed "Nothing."

"See you in Bio" and with that he was out the door.

It had been almost a week since Vic and I had begun our rendezvous, the outdoor bathroom quickly became our usual meeting place now, although I would occasionally meet up at his place after school, but only when I knew my mom was working. Everything has been so far so good in our non-existing relationship. Even though we weren't together in a loving way, it still felt pretty amazing being with him. Sometimes this whole hooking up thing is kind of difficult for me, like today for instance. He leaves right after we're finished and doesn't say much to me. I guess I'm just craving an emotional connection with him even though I know it's only going to be strictly physical.

We had both set some ground rules with each other, my main one was that even though we are doing stuff together I didn't want us to actually have sex. I didn't have anything opposed to doing it, I just felt like that if we wen't all the way I might get a bit too attached, which I can't do. That was one of Vic's rules, another one of his was that while we're 'together' we wouldn't have any sort of relationship with another person, which I was more than fine with. I found it surprising that he would even think that, but hey maybe he has morals?

The ear-piercing bell went, bringing me back to reality. I sighed and grabbed my books off the counter in the bathroom and sauntered towards my next class, Biology. When I walked in the students were buzzing, everyone was talking and in little groups, but when I walked in, everything went quiet. Ah crap, now walk? I looked down to see if I had spilt something on me, but nothing was there. I looked up to have my eyes met by practically the whole class.

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