Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I felt the hot water fall over me as I watched the blood slowly fade from my skin. I held in a deep breath, letting the warm steam fill my lungs, I wished I could hold in that feeling forever. I sighed it out, and with it went the content feeling I had inside. If I could, I would stay in this shower forever. Of course, I couldn't. Outside this small room stood the sad and terrifying reality, which honestly, I didn't want to admit. I wanted to stay protected in this steam filled room, and let myself feel warm forever, instead of the cold dark truth that awaited me outside.

Yesterday, er well this morning, I had the painful truth that Vic doesn't remember me. Well, technically he knows who I am, but to him I'm still apparently his fuck buddy. I couldn't bare speak after hearing him say that, I stood quietly in the corner while Mike tried to explain to him that Vic and I were actually dating.

Vic seemed uncomfortable and dreadfully confused as Mike told him about us. Vic would chime in with 'Oh I kinda remember that...' but wouldn't look too pleased with the memory. The reason I got out of there was when I heard Vic lean into Mike and whisper 'Why would I date him I don't even like him?'. You can image how quickly I ran out of that place. Mike tried to stop me and told me that he'll come around but right now I'd rather not know Vic's real current feelings were of me.

As big of a deal as this is, I had even worse problems arriving. My mom was coming home today, and I still had no idea how the hell I was going to explain to her what happened and why the police showed up here. I was hoping to whatever entity laid out there that I would be able to lie through my teeth and dodge any real questions she asked. The voice mail I got earlier today from her sounded a little bit more intense than usual, but she didn't mention anything about it so maybe she's saving all her rage for when she arrives.

Begrudgingly I turned off the hot shower water and stepped out into the unfortunate reality that I now had to face. Glancing at my phone, I had 2 hours before her arrival. Which would be plenty for me to clean up the mess from the officers searching yesterday. I walked to my room quickly trying to avoid the cold hard wood flooring so I could shove my feet into some socks. I put on a white t-shirt and some grey sweat pants, and then got to cleaning. There wasn't much of a mess, I mostly just had to put stuff back into place where there were moved from. The cleaning at least helped distract me from over thinking about what my mom would do to me when she got home, it wasn't however enough to get my mind off of Vic.

I ended up sitting on the couch in the living room, staring out the window at the Fuentes house hoping if they came home, I could see Vic again. My phone was clenched in my hand so hard I wouldn't have been surprised if it broke. I texted Mike asking for an update if any, he read it but didn't respond. He honestly didn't need to; Vic remembered who I was, and he even remembered a lot of our memories together, he just doesn't remember his feelings for me. His reaction at the hospital was enough for me for the day.

My phone buzzed in my hand causing me to drop it from surprise. Was it Mike? Does Vic remember now? I picked up my phone in a rush and unlocked it quickly.

4:38 Mom- Just got in my Uber, be home in 10.

I felt my heart sink as I re-read her text. I know this seemed like pretty standard normal texting but no exclamation mark? She wasn't exited to see me in just a few minutes? My mom may have been a hard ass but she was still affectionate and loving, most of the time, and we would always text each other stupid emoji throughout the day when we were both bored. I was in trouble, a lot of it. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing though. Vic doesn't care about me anymore, I'm not longer in the business, my mom will come home and I'll be the perfect Kellin everyone wants again. Maybe this is how it was all supposed to end?

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