Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The rest of the week went by quickly, and honestly, I wasn't complaining. Vic had mostly ignored me, that is if he even showed up to class considering he pretty much missed every second day. It was now Friday and I was just happy the week was finally almost done. I went through my classes with people giving me those weird looks, I wonder if it'll get around that I am no longer Vic's 'boy toy'. People snickered at me when I stood up and rolled their eyes when I answered questions, so something tells me they know that Vic and I are over. They can laugh and hate me as much as they want but when I get out of this school with a scholarship they won't be laughing anymore. I had almost made it through the whole day successfully without seeing Vic or Mike, but it seemed like the world had other plans for me today. I was walking down the hallway, my nose buried in my phone looking at pictures of my old life, when I ran right into someone. I was walking pretty quickly and ended up knocking them right over. And who was it? Vic.

"Oh" I mumbled, "Sorry" I grabbed his hand and helped him up, he had a smug look on his face that made me want to punch him. My hands clenched into fists as they dangled on my sides.

"That's okay" He eyed me up and down, I could tell he was thinking of a flirtatious comment about my appearance, but he didn't comment on it. "So, Kellin, I missed you this week" he playfully winked at me.

My mouth fell agape and I stared at him, "You're joking, right?" I sneered

He shifted his weight between his feet slightly "No" he stated with a 'duh' tone.

"You don't know when to quit..." I muttered in dis-belief "We are no longer a thing, so leave me alone." I concluded

His eyes fell for a moment, but he was quick to mask his emotions. I found it strange how he was like this, he acted like he needed me but didn't actually want me. "Whatever" He shrugged and brushed past me, knocking my shoulder slightly.

I groaned in frustration and bit my bottom lip to keep myself from exploding in anger. I leaned against the lockers beside me and took a few deep breaths. He made me so... confused. And I hated it. I couldn't stand it.. I've always been sure of everything, that's why I'm good in school, I understand math, and science, and even music. But Vic is never the same, always different every time we talk, and I hate that. I picked up my phone from the ground and shoved it in my pocket. I walked into the bathroom and ran my hands under cold water to get the clammy feeling off. The door to one of the stalls kicked open and out walked the other Fuentes. I groaned out loud- by accident of course. I tried to cover it with a cough. I didn't hate Mike, I understood him, I just really didn't want to deal with anyone right now.

"Hey Kellin" He beamed at me and washed his hands.

"Hey" I replied

"Nice khakis" He chuckled, I rolled my eyes in response

"Whatever" I muttered under my breath, he could defiantly sense something was wrong with me, then again, I wasn't really hiding it. I kind of wanted him to know I was pissed at Vic.

"Look, about Vic..." He began, ah so he did know why I was upset. I didn't let him explain though, I cut him off.

"I couldn't care less about it" I snapped, I was tired of having Vic fill my brain constantly "Don't worry about me, worry about your brother. He's the ticking time bomb that's just waiting to go off, and I have no plans of being around either of you when it does." I stormed out of the bathroom, I know it was rude of me to snap at Mike like that. He hasn't done anything wrong in this situation, I just felt really insecure about everything. I know I look dumb in my khakis, I know I was stupid to think Vic liked me, and I know I look like a major ass hat for acting like that to Mike. On the bright side, Mike's a pretty understanding guy... I think.

I walked outside the school, ready to just go home and burry my thoughts in my homework and dream about the day that I can get out of this town. I felt someone tap my shoulder lightly and I groaned in response.

"Ugh, what!" I turned around expecting it to be Mike or even possibly Vic. Boy was I wrong, it was some brown-haired guy, someone I've never seen before but I guess he goes to this school. "Oh sorry, thought you were someone else" I apologized instantly.

"It's okay, I'm Justin" he gave me a sly smile, he was actually really cute and I felt my cheeks turning a little pink so I looked away quickly to regain myself. "Uh, I know you're Kellin though, right?"

"Yeah, I guess everyone knows that now hey?" I muttered out. He shrugged,

"Actually, I just know that cause we have biology together" he chuckled "But yeah, I guess someone comes to school dressing like you and gets involved with Vic you're bound to be known."

"Right... Dresses like me." I felt a little insulted but I let it slide.

"I didn't mean it like that its just- I'm kind of nervous and-" He sighed stopping his rambling "Would you want to go out sometime? Like on a date?" He asked me. My mouth fell open and I stood staring at him, a date? Someone wants to go on a date with me? I guess I've been so wound up with Vic that I forgot how normal relationships work.

"Uh, yeah! Sure." I stammered out nervously "What'd you have in mind?" We fell into step together and slowly walked away from the school.

"Why don't you meet me at the beach downtown tomorrow and we can go from there?" He suggested, he didn't seem like he really had it planned out but I didn't mind. It'd be good to move on from Vic. So, I nodded eagerly. "Uh, why don't you put your phone in my number- I mean your number in my phone" He laughed nervously. It was cute though. I gave him my number and we said our goodbyes. There was a wide smile playing across my lips as I walked home. It felt good knowing that I actually had a chance to start something real. Even though I literally knew nothing about this Justin guy, he seemed nice. It makes sense that I didn't recognize him, any time I was in biology I was always focused on Vic I never really took notice to the other people.

My mind was so caught up in the kind acts of Justin that I didn't even hear the sound of Vic's motorcycle until it was parked beside me. Damn! I was so close to getting home. I stopped walking and waited for Vic to turn off the roar of his engine. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked me skeptically.

"Uh walking home?" I answered

"No, I mean throwing yourself at boys?" He sounded angry at me.

"Excuse me?" I replied in shock.

"You heard me." He stepped off his bike and walked up to me. The nerve he has to say that!

"Is this one of those times where I have to lie to protect your delicate emotions?" I walked up to him feeling ten times taller than I was. "You don't get to say shit about my life so leave me alone." I brushed passed him and continued to head home, ignoring whatever else Vic had to say to me.

I got home and I was still fuming at the encounter with Vic. He has no right to say that to me, all he wanted from me was a hook up so why does he care about who I date now? I wanted to forget about him but he made that so difficult to do. I couldn't come up with one single reason as to why he would care. It's not like he actually likes me, he even told me he didn't himself. Why is he so obsessed with me anyways? We ended things and he made it pretty clear he didn't like me. I sighed, I wanted to forget about him already. My phone buzzed and I looked down to see an unknown number.

(808) 777-6969 -Hey, its Justin!

I smiled to myself, I know it was wrong to use someone like this but I needed the distraction and wanted to move on from Vic. I could already tell that I was going to be rushing into things but I couldn't care less. So, I replied to his text how normal Kellin usually would.

Hey there, I was just thinking about you ;) 

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