Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I helped my mom drag out one of her suitcases and threw it into the back of the taxi, the driver was leaning against the hood smoking a cigarette waiting for my mom. I slowly walked back into the house and looked around the living room to see if there were any more bags, there wasn't. So, I walked to my mother's room and knocked on the door. She flung it open, with a bright smile on her face. She was so excited and I couldn't help but feel happy for her. I walked in and sat on her bed, she began talking and slowly grabbing the last on her things.

"Okay so I'm going to run through the standards again, ok? No one comes over while I'm gone, not even your friend. I'm going to be calling the home phone every night at 9pm so if you don't answer I'm going to know that you're not here. What else..." She dragged off, thinking.

"You're going to miss me and you love?" I filled her in. She looked over at me with a small smile, behind it I could tell she felt bad about having to leave me. "It's okay mom, this is going to be a great opportunity for you."

She sighed "I know, be careful. Please." She walked over to me and kissed the top of my head. I stood up and lugged her last bag over my shoulder and walked out the house with her. She was still talking but I kind of tuned her out, she had already given me the speech last night when she got the phone call. "Kellin, are you listening to me?" She waved her hand in front of my face.

"Yes, I know mom, you left money in the drawer for food, emergency numbers are on the fridge. Isn't this something you tell your toddler before you leave? Not your 17-year-old son whose graduating in five months?" I replied to her.

She rolled her eyes while a smile "Ok I know, you just haven't been left alone for 3 weeks before so I want everything to go okay."

"It will, mom. Don't worry about me." I hugged her tightly, knowing that I would miss her, even if I wasn't showing it. "I love you mom" I pulled away and she smiled excitedly at me. The cab driver dropped his cigarette and stepped on it, he smiled at me before getting into the driver's seat.

"I love you too! I'll call you when I land" She got into the cab and I stood on the end of our driveway watching the yellow car as it soon became a blur, and then nothing. I sighed and walked back to my house, instantly feeling lonely. Even though my mom is a pain in the ass I can't help but love her, she is my mom after all. I slouched on the couch and almost instantly heard a knock at the front door.

I walked over and opened the front door "Forget something?" I asked, expecting it to be my mom. It was Vic. "Oh, hi." I smiled at him.

"Where'd your mom go?" he asked me and walked into my house.

"Were you watching us?" I asked him curiously and slammed the front door shut.

"No, I was just observing."

"So, watching." I replied in a duh tone.

"Shush, where'd she go?" He re-asked me and sat on the couch.

"She got a promotion so she had to fly out for training in her new position, she can't take the job full time though until I graduate but she's going to be doing as much as she can from here." I answered him and sat beside him.

"Hmm..." he scooted closer to me "So we can spend some extra time together...." he winked suggestively and put his hand on my inner thigh, my body instantly responded and I felt the hair on my neck stand on end. The thoughts of last night came flooding into my memory at the touch. My mom said for him to not come over, but obviously that rule would be broken. However, I couldn't be out past 9, which sucked.

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