A suprise?!?! *le gasp*

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It's been a month since the girls have been in the house. Something is going on with Roxxxy but... i won't get into that.
The girls know they're on a tv show for four months for viewers at home to enjoy. Everything is fine until the producer walks into the house. Ruru (aka Rupaul) walks into the house. "Hello my bad girls!" All of the girls stop what they're doing and wonder why the producer of the show is here. There is murmurs going around like:
"Did we do something wrong?"
"Roxxxy started it!"
"Are one of us going home?"
"Now girls you're not in trouble!" Ruru said. "There's a secret I haven't been telling since you girls stepped into this house." All of the girls are wondering what's the secret. "What's the secret?!" Phi Phi asked. "Oh just you wait hunny!" Ruru said. "Do you remember when I said those two extra rooms are for any of you who don't want to sleep with your roommate in case you fight them or something?"
"Yes..." said the bad girls.
"Those two rooms are actually for 2 more girls." Ruru said.
The atmosphere goes from wondering to what the fuck?
"Are you fucking serious?" Said Katya.
"Yes I'm serious hunny! I'm not telling you who's coming though you have to find out!"
"What a surprise." Phi Phi said mockingly. "Now don't get all sassy with me Phi!" said Ruru. "And also you'll have security with you at all times if you start a fight anywhere." said Ruru.
"Why?" Said Adore.
"Because the last fight.. it took 25 minutes to break the girls apart."
Said Ruru.
"Ok my girls... have a great day.... and remember, stay bad my baddies."
The producer of the show left and the girls are now wondering who's gonna come in the house tomorrow.
"I swear if Wilma is gonna come... I'm going to fight her when I see her." Said Phi Phi.
(Wilma is Willam... just saying.)
"You're going to fight my friend?" Said Katya with anger.
"Not now Katya." Said adore right next to her.
"Yeah why do you want to fight her?" Said Adore.
"Because to be honest... and y'all better not laugh." Said Phi Phi.
"Oh imma laugh alright." Said Katya.
"Ok... the truth is.... me and Wilma were buddies. And by buddies we dated." Said Phi Phi.
Katya and Adore looked at each other and then to Phi Phi.
"Don't start laughing guys!" Said Tatianna.
Katya and Adore screamed and fell on the floor laughing.
"Buddies?!? Are you kidding!" Laughed Katya.
"You should have said fuck buddies!! But no you insisted buddies!! What are you?!? In 5th grade?!!" Said adore laughing.
"I should have never told you guys!" Said Phi Phi screaming walking up the stairs.
"Who would date your ugly ass?! Said Adore laughing.
Phi Phi comes back running down the stairs and get up in Adores face.
"What did you say, bitch?" Said Phi Phi
"Aye bitch don't get up all in my face." Said Adore
"Probably you should walk away. You don't wanna get fucked up." Said Katya
"Shut up, Katya. You're not in this." Said Phi Phi
Tatianna gets in between Adore and Phi Phi
"Come on. We already had enough drama and it's only been a month. Save it for next month."
"Okay. But you two dumb bitches better watch your back." Said Phi Phi
"Oh I'm so fucking scared." Said Katya.
"Fuck outta here. I'm not scared of Phi Whore." Said Adore.

The night ends and all the bad girls go to sleep.