detox and roxxxy make up.

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two days have passed since the incident of ginger getting jumped by the house. yes including her own roommate jumping her. it's the bad girls club. you never know what will happen. someone can switch on you or you'll leave for no reason or become the baddest bitch in the house... america will love you for "keeping it real"

detox wakes up and pours orange juice for herself and makes toast with jelly on it. her hair is all in a ponytail and she's wearing a short neon dress that covers halfway from her hips and is exposing her natural ass. her ass is big and plump. and it moves when she walks. the audience at home love that. detox sits at the kitchen table with her legs crossed while eating her toast. roxxxy walks into the kitchen and makes herself some coffee and yawns. roxxxy has her hair all in a messy bun wearing a shirt that says "thick and juicy." and black booty shorts. she spots detox looking at her while making some coffee for herself.

[ detox and roxxxy conversation with the camera panned to them  ]
"good.. morning.." roxxxy says really awkward to detox while sucking on her teeth and looking around the kitchen knowing the tension between them since their fight has been weird.
"hi..." detox says to her while playing with her nails all awkwardly...
"well... nice talk.." roxxxy says. she walks out of the kitchen leaving her wet spoon with coffee still on it.

the camera then pans to roxxxy going into the phone room. (phone room is a room that is decorated and you can call friends or family)

[ roxxxy's phone room conversation with jinx monsoon from her season of bad girls ]

roxxxy changed into white shorts and a black sweatshirt crosses her legs and waits for the phone to ring so she can call her close friend who used to be her enemy on her season of bad girls club season 5. the phone picks up.

[ roxxxy and jinx's conversation through the phone ]

jinx: "hey sis!"
roxxxy: ".. hi.. how are you?" roxxxy says so quietly yet very suspicious
jinx: "i'm amazing.. just been taking care of my boyfriend's shit and everything" she says laughing over the phone.
roxxxy: "i... ugh i don't know how to say this.." she says all serious.
jinx: "oh please don't say you're pregnant... who's the father?" she says as a joke.
roxxxy: "no it... it's not that... it's just... ugh... i don't know..."
[ the camera pans to roxxxy putting her hand on her head and is rubbing the temples of her forehead with her leg shaking of guilt ]
roxxxy: "i got into a fight with detox... a month ago..."
jinx: "wait what.. why? was there a reason??"

[ the camera cuts to detox and roxxxy's fight a month ago showing detox and roxxxy fighting on the floor ]

[ back to phone conversation ]
roxxxy: "i literally don't fucking know what it was about..."
jinx: "have you guys talked since then?" she asked.
roxxxy: "... no... i don't think so... but i just want to lose any more bitches in this house..."

[ the music changes to sad and the camera is panning to roxxxy about to start crying in the phone room. ]

[ phone conversation]
roxxxy:"that was... my bitch from my season... yeah sure we were fucking with alaska but alaska didn't fuck with me like that but... i fought the only bitch... i still fucked with... i fucked up!" she yells crying while her hand is shaking.
jinx: "so what are you gonna do?" she says comforting roxxxy over the phone.
roxxxy sniffs and wipes her last tear.
roxxxy: "i'm gonna have to talk to her... i have to... i need my bitch back..."