The House vs Ginger

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It has already been a month and four days since the girls have been in the bad girls house. The girls decided if there was going to be another girl in the house, they might as well get rid of one. And by get rid of I mean thrown out of the house. Ginger was at the mall with Coco so all of the girls went into one room and decided a plan to kick Ginger out since she isn't a bad girl.

"We should just kick out Ginger. I mean... all she's done was stop fights and that's it." Said Adore

"I suggest we get rid of Coco. That girl doesn't have the bad girl in her." Said Roxxxy

"Well, we should decide like now because they might be home in a couple of minutes or hours." Said Tatianna

"Who is she roommates with?" Said Katya

"Me." Said Detox.

"Oh shit. That must be horrible." Said Adore.

"It is horrible. She's weird and gross but I don't want to get into that." Said Detox

"Let's go throw her shit out first."
Said Roxxxy.

"And if she decides to run up... all of us will jump her." Said Katya.

"I mean... Ginger doesn't know how to fight so we're good." Said Adore

"Who's going to waiting on the stairs if she tries to go upstairs to try and fight one of us?" Said Detox.

"I'll do it." Said Tatianna

"Okay, so all of us except for Tatianna and Adore will throw her shit out while these two stop Ginger from fighting us." Said Katya

"We need to text Coco though because she also hates Ginger also. But I'll tell her to keep it a secret from Ginger til they get home." Said Alyssa

"We'll handle Coco later on. Don't text her." Said Phi Phi

"Okay then, it's settled. We're all going to get weak ass Ginger out of this house." Said Adore

The girls go into Gingers stuff and wait until Ginger and Coco get home.

"Adore! Go look at the window if you see their car pull up." Said Katya

"Okay!" Said Adore

Adore ran downstairs to check if their car pulled up. It's 9:45pm and Adore sees a car light from the distance.

"Guys!" Said Adore

"What?!" All of the girls said.

"I think I see a car light." Said Adore

"You better not be lying!" Said Tatianna running down the stairs.

"Let me look." Said Tatianna

"Go upstairs now. Help us throw her shit." Said Tatianna.

Tatianna and Adore run up the stairs and wait for Ginger to walk into the door. The girls can hear a car pull into driveway.

"Everyone shut the fuck up. We need to know it's her or not." Said Adore.

Everyone shuts up and hear who's outside. They all hear Gingers laugh and grab one thing from the pile.

"Adore and Tatianna! Go downstairs now!" Said Roxxxy.

Adore and Tatianna run halfway downstairs and wait for Ginger to walk in. They hear the doorknob jingle. Adore and Tatianna put their hair in a bun and prepare for what's about to happen. All of the girls put their hair a bun also. Coco walks in the door.

"Um, what's going on?" Said Coco.

"Close the door, Coco." Said Detox.

Coco closes the door.

"We're going to kick Ginger out. Feel free to tag along." Said Tatianna

"I'm in. Hate that bitch." Said Coco.

Coco unlocked the door for Ginger to come in and ran up the stairs and joined the girls. Ginger walked in looking into her phone.

"Hey Coco, you forgot the milk in the ca-" Ginger was about to finish her sentence until she looked up and saw 7 of the girls and 2 of them half up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Ginger said with confusion in her face.

"We're kicking you out, stupid weak ass bitch." Said Adore holding up Gingers makeup.

"Why are you kicking me out?!" Ginger said yelling.


"I'M NOT FROM TEXAS BITCH!" Yelled Ginger.

"Well, you can leave." Said Alyssa throwing a suitcase.

"Y'ALL ARE KICKING ME OUT?! REALLY?!" Said Ginger putting her hair into a bun.


"FUCK YOU ALL!" Yelled Ginger

All of the girls threw down Gingers stuff down. Ginger tried to get up the steps but luckily Adore and Tatianna were between her.

"Get the fuck out of my way." Said Ginger trying to go through

"No." Said Adore pushing her down

Ginger was on the floor but got back up. She punched Adore in the face and pulled her hair. Tatianna yanked Gingers hair and made her slam into the floor. They both ran downstairs and waited for Ginger to run up.


Adore ran next to Katya and waited for Ginger to come up the stairs. Ginger took off her nails and fixed herself.

"Bitch you're already messy!" Yelled Katya

Ginger ran up the stairs the and ran up on Katya. She tried to swing but luckily Katya dodged and kicked Ginger.

Roxxxy bent down where Ginger was on the floor

"You might as well leave. because you're not a bad girl." Said Roxxxy to Ginger

"Katya and Adore!" Said Alaska

"What?" Said Adore

"Go throw her bed in the pool." Said Alaska

They ran to go get Ginger's bed. Ginger tried to stop them from getting out with her bed but all of the girls yanked her hair and jumped her. Katya and Adore pushed the bed down the stairs and adore opened the door.

to be continued...