the house vs ginger (part 2)

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adore opens the door and katya and adore both drag the mattress into the pool. roxxxy comes out running and helps them, it's a big bed for a big girl.

"SLEEP IN THE MOTHERFUCKING POOL BITCH!" yelled roxxxy to ginger outside of the house.


all three of them run back inside and grab ginger's clothes and throw them into the pool. they all start laughing after they throw gingers clothes which costed 45 dollars each. they all run back inside and ginger is still fighting to get inside her room. adore blocks her way from getting into her room.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY" ginger said all angry with scratches on her face, with a swollen lip.

"no. this is the BAD GIRLS CLUB and you're not a BAD GIRL!" adore says getting into gingers face.

ginger finally gives up fighting into her room turns away from her room and goes towards the hall while tatiana, adore, and alaska are taunting her to go home. they all throw juice and condiments behind her back and squirt ketchup while she keeps walking. meanwhile, katya and roxxxy are throwing her makeup outside and ripping her weaves she uses. ginger finally stops walking and goes to the phone and calls the producer of the show who happens to be behind the door. alaska is chest bumping ginger taunting her to leave.

"leave bitch. nobody wants you here. you're not a bad bitch." adore says in gingers face while ginger is looking at adore's face with the phone in her ear.

— when the producers cut out clips of the show that they don't want or don't fit or they don't want the audience at home to see.

in the unseen footage, adore literally forcfully cuts ginger's pants showing nothing but her underwear while alaska and tatiana still taunt her calling her "daddy's girl." and alaska squirts mustard on ginger's exposed butt.


the producer opens the door behind ginger and the camera pans to the girls all screaming and shouting finally celebrating ginger might be leaving the house for good. while the producer let's ginger in by calming her down from a panic attack which isn't shown in the show. all the girls are in phi phi and roxxxy's room upstairs. (ginger and detox's room is downstairs) trying to catch their breathe after that. katya walks in the room wearing a short pajama shirt that says "space whore" in red font, her hair all messy, and a red tanga holding ginger's messed up weave in her hand.

"THE BITCH MIGHT BE GONE FOR GOOD!" says katya all excited. all the girls get up and celebrate. adore starts twerking on the bed in celebration to ginger possibly leaving the house. "ayeee" says adore while twerking when the camera pans to her.

"so what now? says roxxxy. all the girls with the camera panned to them look around the room and some take turns looking in the mirror. katya looks into the mirror and fixes her messy blonde hair and bites her lips and sighs.

"this day has been so exciting, we might get ginger's weak ass out of here." says adore sitting next to katya applying her lipgloss. all the girls keep taking turns looking at themselves until they hear the producers walkie talkie go off in the hallway.

"we need to get an overnight hotel for ginger minj." while the producer walks outside the house to check if the van is outside. all of the girls come out the room and celebrate and dance. ginger (with security behind her) gets an overnight bag and packs some of the clothes that haven't been throw out or trashed. the girls come out and wait on the upstairs railing where ginger is downstairs. ginger finally gets some of her stuff and is wearing a hoodie and flip flops. ginger is walking out the door while the girls upstairs on the railing say their "goodbyes" to her.

"goodnight bitch!"
"bye daddy's girl!"
"bye bye bitch!"
"you were never a bad girl!"

the camera pans to ginger walking away while girls are still saying their goodbyes. ginger is out the door.
"see you at the reunion bitch!" adore yells after ginger closes the door with the camera panning to her. katya runs downstairs and opens the door and sees ginger getting into the van before it takes off. the girls follow behind katya.
"bye fake ass bitch!!"
"weak sauce bitch!"
katya blows a kiss and licks her tongue and waves to ginger when she steps into the van. katya twerks before shutting the door and the camera pans back to the girls in the house. all the girls go back into their room.

[ katya and adore in their room whispering ]
katya: "so what do you think is gonna happen now?" while the camera is panning to katya is laying her head on adore's thighs.
adore: "i honestly don't know, i hope ginger goes home. there's no way she wants to be back after that whole situation of us jumping her." while adore plays with katya's strands of hair.
katya: "i mean, she NEEDS to leave." says katya while the camera is panning to her running her fingernail on adore's soft thighs.
adore: "let's just sleep. i'm really tired."
katya: "okay. yeah it's been so damn long."
adore turns off the light and that's the end of the episode.