Beginning To Understand

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A sudden light started bursting through darkness. My eye opened as Jackie stood above me. The smell of pancakes filled the room. I rubbed my eyes, "I'm sorry... I fell asleep." Jackie pointed to the bandages over my newly made wounds, "You probably passed out from blood loss." I quickly stood up, "I need to leave... The Alpha's are..." Jackie gave a me a warm smile, "My niece told me. She may be young be she caught on very well." Pausing and taking a second look at the pancakes I sighed, "Where is you're niece? Also, keep from informing your guys Pack Alpha." I grabbed a pancake, "I have some Alpha's to rend to." I walked out of the house and towards the HQ. Some of The Alpha's were outside. I walked right past them all. They acted like I was suppose to show up. I walked up to one of the Alpha's and poked them. It started glitching out then disappeared for a few seconds then came back. Holograms. I continued inside. The hallways seemed empty. Chatter was coming from the Judgment Hall.' At least that is what I call it. Whenever I go in, bad things happen. "We must keep Peck quiet. She let Liza get away. If anyone else finds out about this then we will have to result to death." I felt chills go down my back. "Peck and Liza won't get it anymore. They built up their immune system so they only get it once." Ha. Liza eats to much. There is no way her immune system is good. I peeked in and saw a room full of Alpha's. Their eyes were soulless. Peck was in the center of the room. Her legs and arms chained down. The muzzle and choker was still on. Half of me wanted to barge in and try to get her out. The other half of me wanted to run and hide. I saw every Alpha.. Except Liza. Something tapped me on the shoulder an I turned. Liza stood there. She put her paw on my shoulder and then pink appeared around us. When it disappeared we were at the top of mount shiver. Liza gave me a worried look, "I know our last talk we had was very bad." I shivered just thinking about it. Liza put a fedora on my head, "You dropped it outside of a house. I got it fixed." I rubbed my paw along he fedora to make sure it was mine, "Thanks." She gave me a weak smile, "You already know what's going on don't you?" I nodded, "I do." Liza lowered her voice more, "They are moving soon. I'm not sure where yet. What ever happens that ritual can't go through. We do not sacrifice... Even if the sacrifice will save them all." I nodded as she teleported me again. I turned, I was back at Jackie's place.

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