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Wait, I didn't want an explanation. I ran out the HQ. Peck, and Her following. Before I got to the forest line Gilbert appeared in front of me, "Stop." I growled, "Then can you explain to me why she is still alive..." Silence. I continued on my way The Alphas stopped following me so I walked to Jackie's house. She wasn't home so there was one last place I could go. A little later I started knocking on a door. When the door opened a wolf stood there. I smiled, "Hey AJ." She was about to say something when all of a sudden more animals piled out, "DARE." I laughed, "Hey Taco, Hey Leaf, Hey Fancy, Hey Cupcake, Hey.... Daisy?" Daisy stood by Leaf's legs, "My senpai." Yup Daisy is broken. Anyways I asked, "Can I hide here fo a while." Aj shrugged, "Sure, but who are you hiding from?" I made a weird face, "The Alphas. Turns out they can lie pretty well." AJ laughed, "What did they do this time?" I sat down after we all went back inside, "Long story. Too long to tell." AJ frowned, "But your stories are the best." I let out a long, "Yehhhh." Aj then added, "How do you know that they won't find you here anyways." I shrugged, "I don't think they have really been here before." AJ made a face this time, "Liza AND Peck have been here before. Well, I think Peck but Liza was defiantly here. She struck Taco with lightning." The room went up with laughter. I sighed, "I guess here's the story..." I told them all the way through and then it went kinda silent. Then Taco yelled, "YAY ALPHA HIDING PARTY!" The room went up into laughter again. Lightning struck outside and it went silent. Leaf stood up and peeked out the window there are no clouds............ AH!"  He fell back and whispered, "The Alpha's are here." Silence. There was a small knocking on the door. I went over and hid in a closet. Just after I closed the closet there was a loud crash and footsteps. AJ yelled, "TACO STOP KNOCKING OVER MY PLANTS." Taco laughed, "Oops." I peeked out of the closet and watched as AJ opened the door. To make things worse HE showed up. I jumped out of the closet and tackle him. Somehow we broke the window and got through. I was blasted off of him by Gilbert, "Why are they here, how are they here." Gilbert looks down at me, "Calm down." I yelled at him, "I WON'T CALM DOWN, I CAN'T YOU LIED TO ME... AGAIN!" Gilbert growled a little then said, "You have lied to us." I kept yelling, "THEN TELL ME WHY YOU WANTED THAT DANGEROUS ROCK TO BRING PEOPLE TO LIFE?!" Silence. I lowered my voice just a little but I was still yelling, "TELL ME WHY JUNO AND RICO ARE ALIVE!"  

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