Oh no!!(1)

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Boruto open he eyes slowly and saw how big his room is everything was so big.

Boruto wide his eyes and look at him self by the big mirror.


Downstairs by the kitchen

Himawari:Mom did you hear something it sound tiny screams.

Hinata:I heard it too.

Himawari:Where is it coming from?

Hinata:I don't know can you call Boruto he going to be late.


Himawari: Big brother your going to be late.

Boruto:Himawari help me!

Himawari: (that tiny voice again) I'm coming in!

Himawari open the door

Himawari:big brother where are you........Boruto !!!

Boruto:I'm over here!!!

Himawari:Where does voice coming from!

Boruto:(She can see me I had to scream harder


Himawari turn around and saw something tiny she went close it was chibi Boruto.

Boruto :Himawari .


Hinata:Himawari was going on up there.

Himawari:Mom come here!!

Hinata:I'm coming!

Himawari:Why are you so tiny?

Boruto:I just woke up now I'm chibi.

Hinata:What going on?!

Himawari:Come here it Boruto he small .

Hinata look at chibi Boruto.

Boruto:Mom help me!

Hinata: Boruto why are you so small.

Boruto: I don't know!

Himawari:What were going to do mom he has mission today ?

Hinata:I know  Boruto has to stay home today I talk to konohamaru sensei to come over and talk about this.

Boruto:What should I do right now my clothes are to big.

Boruto clothes are big.

Hinata :Well...I'm going to make some clothes to make them small  so it can fit you.

Boruto:Okay like same thing as mine outfits.


Himawari: We should give you a bath first so konohamaru sensei can come over.

Boruto:How I'm tiny and naked.



Few minutes later.

Boruto was in plastic cup to take a shower.

Boruto:Ah..this is nice

 Part 2 is coming up next so stay update for more see guys later

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Part 2 is coming up next so stay update for more see guys later.😍😛😝😁💜🖤

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