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- B L A I R E -

11.07.16 // 1:03 a.m.

MY EYES FEEL as if they are glued shut and I have to struggle to peel them open. It takes my eyes a while to adjust to nothing but darkness surrounding me. From lack of fresh air, I am sweaty and my clothes stick to me as if they become a part of my body. I feel around the tight, compact space I am in and come to a conclusion that I am in a trunk.

Is this some kind of prank?

My heart begins to beat frantically in my chest, the sound of the constant thump-thump being the only thing filling the silence. A cloth is around my mouth, tied at the back of my head, the knot at the end digging into my scalp. I scream, but the soft, velvet material smothers my pleas.

The car I am in goes over a hump, throwing my body in the air for a quick moment before landing back on the floor of the trunk. I hit my head on something hard, something cool and metal.

My hands are tied around my back, the rope cutting into my wrist and making them bleed. From all the sweat and blood, I am able to slip my wrist out of the tight ropes easily. I rub them for a bit before reaching behind me to grab the object I hit my head on. It is a small crowbar, maybe one foot and it feels heavy and damp in my hand.

I grip it tightly, preparing myself for whatever it is to come next. The car comes to a stop abruptly, lurching me forward. I look next to me and there sat a single rose. It is the only other thing in here besides the crowbar. The longer I stare at the rose, the more I seem to remember.

The club.



The Manager.

Kidnapped. The word blinks in bright lights inside of my brain. Here I am, kidnapped, next to a dying rose.


Why is that word floating around in the air so much? My ears are drawn to the sound of loud footfalls making their way towards the trunk. I scoot closer, preparing myself for whatever happens next. My heart leaps into my throats and my stomach quivers as the trunk pop open.

Dimly lit lamppost lights seep through the little crack that is made when the trunk opened. I stay still until it is opened further. When it is fully open, I look up to the face of T and swing as I hard as I can with the metal bar.

However, he is a lot quicker than me and easily catches the crowbar, prying it away from my hands and placing it back in his trunk. He gives me a wicked grin before lifting me up and slinging me over his bony shoulder.

"I knew you would do that. Why do you think I put the crowbar in there? Such a foolish girl," he whispers in my ear.

I scream as loud as I can, hoping someone nearby would be able to hear me. I scream and scream and scream until T is fed up and throws me down on a soft patch of wet grass.

"No one will hear you."

The place we are at is surrounded by tall oak trees, each outlined in a dark green shade against the night sky. Right behind me sat a mansion, hidden away and covered by vines and trees. I look back up at T, tears filling my eyes and a scared expression etched on my face.

T has his finger on his lip, tracing the outline and looking at me closely, his eyes narrowing in on me. I freeze from his intense gaze,  his deep sea blue eyes crack through every pore in my body.

"Perfect," he mumbles. He sits on top of me, both his legs on either side of my small body, caging me in. He removes the cloth from over my mouth and puts it in his pocket.

I scream as loud as I can and T places his hand over my mouth. I bite down hard and he retreats, yelping in pain. He slaps me hard and my head is thrown to the side. T then caresses the same cheek and kisses it lightly.

I feel small and helpless as he grips my wrist and places them over my head. He runs his free hand along my jaw, down my collarbone, and over my breast. I wiggle, trying to break free, but he is too heavy and his body weight keeps me rooted to be ground.

     "I have long searched for someone like you. So beautiful, so delicate," he whispers in my ear, sending shivers crawling down my spine.

He places his cold lips on mine and begins to move them. I don't respond back, I just sit there crying. He pulls back and looks at me with an angry shadow cast over his pale, porcelain skin.

"Kiss me back. Rose," he breathes. He skims his hand down and over my hip. His fingertips trail up my thigh and right in between my legs. I am shaking now, tears spilling over my eyelids and down my cheeks. T smiles down at me as he continues his assault.

I lift my leg and my knee comes in contact with his bottom. He groans in pleasure at the contact. I begin to cry even more.

"Yes baby," he whispers. He begins to lose himself and his tight grip loosens on my wrist, allowing me to slip my hands-free. I place my hands on his chest and push him as hard as I can off of me.

He rolls over into the grass and stares at me in absolute horror. I stand up and make a run for it. I run as fast as my little legs will let me, running out of breath very easily.

T's footsteps are close behind me and before I know it, his strong arms wrap around my waist, yanking me back and throwing me on the ground again.

"How dare you try to escape me," he shouts, lifting his foot and kicking me in my side. I double over in pain, clutching my stomach tightly. "Get up, right now."

I continue to cry and hold my stomach as pain coursed through me in electric shocks. T leans down and grabs a fist full of my hair, yanking me up until I am forced to stand on my feet. He turns me around, takes off his silver tie and wraps it around both of my wrists in a double knot.

"Don't try to escape," he says in my ear, placing a soft kiss on my neck.

"Why are you doing this?" I cry out. I hear the sound of some kind of liquid spilling.

"Because you're my Rose and I love you," he says before he places a white cloth over my mouth.


i decided i'm going to make these chapters short and just have a lot of chapters. vote and comment !!! :))) Thanks for reading:) i'm still editing this so sorry for grammar


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