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- A N O N Y M O U S -

11.08.16 // 1:38 a.m.

I CHASE HER through the woods, watching her every step closely as I move with the speed of a cat, light on my feet and quick. She screams, continuing to trip over twigs and leaves due to her high heels.

It is a cold night, colder than usual for living in Beverly Hills, and the ski mask I have over my face does nothing to warm the icy numbness spreading throughout my body.

The rock I am carrying feels heavy and cool in my damp hands. My black boots crunch the leaves that are underneath me as I pick up my speed, nearing closer to the girl.

When I am within arm distance, I reach out and tug at her dress, ripping it open and revealing her black underwear. She stumbles back and trips over her own feet and falls down to the ground.

Stupid girl. I have you now.

She is crying, a loud, ear-piercing cry that sounds so urgent, it would make you take the stairs two at a time. Tears stream down her face, wetting her cheeks and ruining her mascara. Before I even have to think about it, I collide my fist with first one eye, and then the other. I hit her mouth in attempt to keep her quiet, but she just cries even more.

I tug on her hair and force her to look up at me. She stares at me with wide brown eyes that were glossed over with absolute horror.

"Why are you doing this?" She says, her hands shaking and twitching at her sides. I take two of her fingers and smash them down with the rock in my hand. She screams again and I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Because I can," I whisper harshly in her ear before I raise the rock above my head and collide it with her skull. I continue to hit her, hearing the ugly, deafening sound of bone cracking.

One, two, three times. It took three times before she stops moving, her hands going limp at her sides and her eyes rolling to the back of her head. I smirk in satisfaction before getting up, slinging her small frame over my shoulder and heading back to T's house.

When we are finished with her, we will return her back to the woods and lay her down delicately on the leaves. The police will find her early in the morning and take her body to the autopsy lab where they will announce her as Blaire Hawthorn.



Don't forget to vote and comment :) i hit #294 in mystery/thriller genre and I feel so proud lol. thanks for reading


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