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- B L A I R E -

11.10.16 // 10:21 a.m.

I LAY IN the fancy bed of red silk and plush pillows, my face closed in a grimace and my skin pale and clammy. Every time I move, pain scorches my body, wrapping me in it's hot arms and squeezing me until I couldn't breathe anymore.

The pain that I feel would make me scream so loud that afterwards, when I am left just panting in my puddles of sweat, my throat would feel raw and dry.

I try to sit up slowly, but quickly realize how futile it is when I have to bite my lip and clench my fist to keep from crying out loud again.

The door swings open and my heart leaps into my throat because I know who is going to step through. I can feel his presence before I see him. I pretend to be asleep as he hovers over me, creating a shadow that blocks out the sunlight streaming in through the cracked window.

"Open your eyes, Rose, I know you aren't asleep," he whispers in my ear and I sigh before opening my eyes reluctantly. He smiles wickedly at me before grabbing my hair and yanking me up harshly. I cry out from the pain and I feel the skin on my back tearing open even more. T slaps me across the face with his big hand and silence my cries.

"When will you learn to stop screaming so much, Rose?" He ask as he reaches around me and turns the television on. He fumbles around with some wires before plugging it into his cellphone.

The picture on the screen switches and the interior of a church comes into view. There are lots of people and in the front sat a brown casket with flowers on the top.

"You see this, Rose?" He ask and I nod, feeling butterflies start to bang around in my stomach. "This is your funeral."

The picture switches again and Sutter and Victoria come in to view. Victoria is leaning on Sutter with tears in her eyes. She looks tired and worn out, weak and bony-weary, definitely not the Victoria I knew and grew up with. She isn't the girl she used to be, I could see it in her dark brown eyes.

But, Sutter.

My sweet love.

His eyes are dull and lifeless, one tear drop is falling down his porcelain cheeks and his hair is messier than usual. My heart clenches painfully in my chest as something begins to gnaw on my insides.

This pain is worse than the one I felt from the whipping T gave me. It's worse than getting hit and seeing people die right in front of my eyes. It hurts more than anything I have ever experienced before.

"Everyone thinks you're dead. You're officially mine, forever," T whispers and I begin to cry when he walks out of the room silently.

Oh, Sutter, don't give up on me, please.

I love you.


I know I said a new update will be here next week but I had already written this and I wanted to post it. Please leave your feedback in the comments if you like my book and vote :)


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