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- B L A I R E -

11.21.16 // 8:43 p.m.

T HAS A GUN placed on my forehead, the cold metal feeling heavy and sticky on my skin. Tears are falling down his eyes as the police lights flash on his face, a riot of bright blue and red. He shakes as he takes off the safety on the gun.

"You don't have to do this," I whisper and he jumps at the sound of my voice. He tightens his grip on the gun and bites his lip. "Please."

"They are coming for me, Rose. I can't have them take you away from me. I love you, so much. This is the only way we can be together, forever," he says and I shiver.

Stall him, Blaire.

"I get that you love me," I say and T's eyes widen slightly. "You love me."

"You finally understand," he whispers in amazement and I nod. He drops the gun from my forehead and places his arm by his side, the gun still tightly clutched in his hand. "Do you love me, Rose?" T ask, his face vulnerable and his eyes fearful.

Play along.

"Of course I do. I do love you, I always have," I lie and he smiles tightly. He raises the gun again and places it on my chest this time.

"I, Ralph Lopez, take thee, Rose Stuart to be my lawfully wedded wife," T starts. I raise my eyebrows and he smiles sweetly. "To have and to hold from this day foreword, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part." A tear drop slips down T's cheek and lands on his ripped up t-shirt. "It's time for death to do us part."

He puts his finger on the trigger and just then, the door burst open. Sutter stands there, breathing heavily, sweat coating his pale skin. His hair is wet and sticks to his forehead, his eyes are dull and lifeless, but he still looked the same, still my handsome and lost boy.

     "Oh my god," I whisper, my heart beating loudly in my chest. Sutter's eyes land on me and he visibly relaxes, a small smile playing across his lips.

T must have not noticed right away that Sutter had come in. He follows the direction of my eyes, pulls the gun up quickly, and fires.


ahh thanks for reading! please vote and comment:)

- jayymckenziee

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