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- S U T T E R -

11.10.16 // 6:43 p.m.

VICTORIA SITS silently on my bed, twirling her blonde hair around her slender finger over and over again as she stares at me with wide brown eyes.

My heart is beating in my chest, way too fast for my liking, and I feel the pressure building up in my head. I rub my sweaty palms up and down my pants, feeling my clammy skin become stickier from the intense atmosphere surrounding us like a halo.

"What do you mean Blaire isn't dead?" Victoria ask me after a beat of silence. She is biting her bottom lip nervously, something she only does when she is thinking deeply.

Or if she was hiding something.

She does not seem surprised like I thought she would be, but instead she is calm as she looks up at me with a quizzical expression, waiting for me to respond.

I thrust my hands into my hair as I pace around my room awkwardly.

     "At the funeral. It wasn't Blaire, that body in the casket is someone else." Victoria just stares at me, not saying a word and it makes me feel like a complete idiot for ever telling her in the first place. I take a seat on the bed and grip her shoulders tightly. "You have to believe me,Vic."

     "Blaire is dead Sutter," she laughs, shaking her head from side to side. "She's dead. Deceased. Gone," Vic says darkly. I look into her blank eyes and it feels like she isn't trying to convince me that Blaire is dead, but trying to convince herself.

What is she hiding?

I drop my hands from her shoulders and place them in my lap.

     "Listen, I know Blaire's body. The birthmark on her wrist, it wasn't there," I try to explain but Victoria still seems like she doesn't understand a word I am saying.

     "What birthmark? Sutter, what's wrong with you?" She ask and I groan in frustration.

You're insane, Canton.

     "It wasn't Blaire! She isn't dead, what more do I need to say. Don't you believe me?" I question her and she slumps her shoulders. Her eyes soften and she tucks a piece of stray hair behind her ear.

"Sutter, I think you just need some time alone to grieve," she blinks up at me as she gathers her stuff to leave my room. Before she can walk out the door, I grip her wrist tightly, making her stumble backwards.

"Vic, if you're really my friend, if you're really Blaire's friend, you'll believe me," I say. "Please."

I was not one for begging, I hated it and thought it was low, but right now, there is nothing I want more than for Victoria to believe me.

If she believed me, it would mean I wasn't going crazy.

Her long mascara-coated eyelashes fan over her prominent cheek bones as she just looks at me for a long minute. I'm still holding her wrist and what she does next takes me by complete surprise.

She rips her arm away from mine, grabs onto my face with her cold hands, and kisses me.


I'm a little sick so this chapter might suck, so sorry about that. Please vote and leave your feedback. Much love

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