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- S U T T E R -

11.08.16 // 6:30 a.m.

A CHILLY WIND passes through my body and my teeth chatter against each other as I tug my jacket closer around my body. My leg bounces up and down against the black coffee shop chairs, making a scraping sound against the cement over and over again.

     "Could you stop?" Vicky says from beside me, glancing up from her phone and looking at me through long lashes.

     "Sorry, I'm just a little nervous," I tell her and her eyes soften. She reaches across the table and places her warm hand on top of mine.

     "Everything will be fine Sutter. We will find Blaire, don't worry," she says as she runs her thumb along my bony knuckles. I pull away awkwardly and give her a tight smile. She bites her bottom lip in anticipation and glances around the scenery.

At least I'm not the only nervous one.

Moments later, people start showing up one by one outside of the coffee shop. I have ordered a plate of donuts and large coffees which people devour quickly.

I count off and see everyone I sent an email to showed up, except one person.

     "Do you know if Hadley is going to come?" I whisper to Vicky who sips on her coffee next to me.

Her eyes get wide and she ducks her head, her blonde hair covering her pale skin.

     "She told me she couldn't make it. She has a cold. Yeah, a really bad cold," Vicky says after awhile before returning her attention back to the growing crowd in front of us.

My eyes are drawn to the back and there, having small talk with Sarah Longthorn, is Joshua. They are further away from the rest of the group, whispering in hushed voices and standing very close together.

I didn't email him.

I slither my way through the big crowd until I am right in front of them. They pull away immediately and cut off their conversation. I cross my arms over my chest and stare down at Joshua who smirks up at me.

     "What are you doing here?" I ask and his eyes flicker to Sarah's for a beat before returning back to me.

     "I want to help find Blaire. After all, I was there the night she got kidnapped, it's the least I could do," he says politely and I grimace. "Why such the sour face Canton? I'm just trying to help."

     "Maybe it's due to the fact that the boy who was hitting on my girlfriend the exact night she got taken suddenly shows up to help find her. It's a little suspicious if you ask me."

     "What? You think I took her? You're one funny man," Joshua says and Sarah gasps and gulps, looking everywhere but at the conversation going on in front of her.

He bats his eyelashes like some kind of love struck girl and I roll my eyes.

     "Just let him help Sutter. I'll watch him," Sarah whispers from beside him in a small voice. She tucks her hair behind her ear as Joshua slings an arm over her shoulder, making her face turn beat red.

     "Listen to Sarah. A smart pretty girl like her could never lie. She'll watch me, loosen up a bit," Joshua teases and I narrow my eyes at him.

     "Fine, you can help. The more the merrier," I give in and he smiles.

     "That's the spirit," Joshua playfully slaps my arm.

     "But if I here anything stupid coming out of your mouth at all, even once, you're leaving," I tell him and he pretends to zip his mouth and throws the invisible key behind him.

I give him one last glare before leaving and going to the front to stand on the table. I wave my hands in the air to get everyone's attention and all eyes snap to me.

     "Welcome everyone and thanks a lot for showing up this early in the morning," I start. "So, the plan today is to split up into four groups and-" my phone rings and interrupts my talking.

I curse under my breath and reach into my pocket to turn it off, not bothering to even see who called.

      "Back to what I was saying, we will split up into four groups and go to different locations I have found over night. The first group can go to the hills and then-" Vicky's phone ringing interrupts me.

She gives me an apologetic look before answering it. I begin to talk again, but then everyone's phone starts to chime, each ringtone different from the last.

Everyone pulls out their devices to see what all the commotion is about. Next to me, Vicky's face has paled and her eyes begin to water.

     "Vic? What happened?" I ask and she turns to me with wide eyes. She drops her phone on the ground and it shatters into millions of pieces.

     "Blaire's dead."


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