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- A N O N Y M O U S -

11.01.16 // 3:45 p.m.


I stare at Blaire as she walks across the field holding a tray of hot dogs that are still steaming from the grill. Her curly hair blows softly from the light breeze and she breaks out into a huge smile as Sutter comes up to greet her. I look away before I see them kiss, not wanting to throw up today.

I glance back at her and she is talking to Victoria who is ranting about something that happened with her ex-boyfriend. Blaire bites her lip to keep from laughing as Sutter wraps his arms around her, burying his neck in her hair, causing her to blush and swat him away.

I narrow my eyes at her and grid my teeth against each other in pure anger. I force my hands into my pockets to stop them from shaking.

Blaire does not deserve to be happy, she is a terrible, terrible person who ruins everyone's life. She stomps on other's peoples dreams to make herself feel superior. She isn't perfect like everyone thinks she is. I know the real Blaire Hawthorn.

And it is not the fake one everyone else knows and loves so much.

Her, Sutter, and Victoria all walk in my direction together. My heart begins to hammer fast in my chest and my palms become sweaty. I stand up a little straighter, on instinct, and brush my hair away from my face. I give them a warm smile, but they don't acknowledge me.

Of course they don't acknowledge me.

Why would they?

Victoria walks past me quickly, almost like a ghost, and Sutter tugs on Blaire's hand, causing her to stumble and bump into my shoulder. The next few seconds are like a blur. Blaire looks up from the ground and smiles at me sweetly.

Don't break down, she is putting on an act.

     "I'm sorry," is all she mumbles with that sweet, pure voice before running off again. I feel my breath return to my body and I put a cold hand to my forehead.

That isn't the real Blaire. The real Blaire is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't fool yourself.

I pull out my phone and ring the number one person on my contact list.

     "Hello," his voice speaks through the phone, sounding like cool water in a flowing river.

     "I just saw her -- Blaire, I mean," I whisper, hiding behind one of the giant oak trees.

     "What does she look like?" He ask and I return my gaze back to Blaire who is now swinging on the swing set, Sutter pushing it from behind her. I shiver.

     "The same as always. Happy and perfect, nothing new," I respond. I can sense his cold smile through the phone.

     "I love her already. Keep in contact, I will talk to you later," he says before the line goes dead. I stare at the phone before looking back up at Blaire who's smile has the sun's light trapped inside.

She will get what is coming to her.

T will make sure of it.


Double update:) thanks for reading. don't forget to vote and comment :)


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