Chapter 20

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    "Well, prey has been running well here in LeafClan, and we have a new apprentice," Whitestar announced, the full moon glowing in the sky just above him, "Birchpaw, apprenticed to Lightningpelt."

       Mudfoot looked over to see a small white and gray she-cat with Mudfoot's green eyes sitting with Stormwind, Sootfoot, and Lightningpelt. My grandaughter. He wished he could be over there with them, but he had only been coming to the clans as a messenger who visited his friends and family only when there was a message to be delivered, but it was still better than it was before.


    Later, Mudfoot was visiting with his friends and family in LeafClan when he overheard Smokestar say something suspicious.

     "Hey Whitestar," he said, "there have been some rumors of halfclan cats in your clan." How would he know?

      "What?" Whitestar lashed his fluffy white tail, "How dare you accuse my warriors of such disloyalty?" The LeafClan leader's reaction made Mudfoot's stomach lurch.

       Smokestar licked his paw casually, "Don't blame me, I overheard one of you apprentices saying something about having GemClan blood." Oh StarClan, Birchpaw

       Whitestar glared at him, "Well it just so happens that there are halfclan cats in your clan as well." 

      Smokestar's amber eyes narrowed into slits as the gray fur on his shoulders began to bristle, "That isn't true."

     "Toms stop," Silverstar walked up to them, "this is a time of peace!"

      Smokestar's pressed his ears against his head, "Stay out of this! I happen to know about your halfclan cats!"

     Are there really so many of them? Are me and Yellowpetal not lone traitors in this world, or are these just empty threats? Mudfoot wondered.

      Then Bloodstar joined the argument, "That isn't true," she yowled, "leave her out of this!"

     Smokestar smoothed his fur back down to his sided and put the most snooty expression on his face, "Oh, funny you should say that when your own kits are practically kittypets."

      What? Mudfoot's brother was Bloodstar's mate, so at first he felt offended that Lightningstorm was keeping secrets from him, but then he realized that he couldn't be one to talk.

     Bloodstar unsheathed her claws, "HOW DARE YOU!"

        Mudfoot looked up to see clouds beginning to surround the moon, "STOP, THE TRUCE!" someone yowled.

        Nevertheless, Bloodstar prepared to pounce on the StoneClan leader, and he puffed out his fur to appear more intimidating.

       "Bloodstar, no!" Silverstar cried.

       "What's happening?" Birchkit squeaked, pushing herself to her mother's side.


      A bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, emitting a flash of blinding light.

       "Is everyone okay?" Silverstar called from her hiding place beneath the twoleg thing.

     Mudfoot looked around, Bloodstar and Smokestar looked like they had taken direct hits from the strike, but other than that, everyone else's fur was ruffled, but they were alright.

      Then, Mudfoot picked up an unfamiliar scent, it smelled like a cat, but of no clan he had ever known, A loner? Mudfoot hypothesized.

     "Who's there?" someone called.

      The clouds parted just so that a single beam of moonlight fell on a pale gray she-cat with one white paw and a pelt that glowed with starshine.

      "StarClan is angry with us!" Birchpaw squealed.

      The StarClan cat strode over to the small cat, "Calm yourself, young one, I come only with a warning." she purred.

      The she-cat turned so that she was in full view of most cats, "My name is Sageflower, and I have come because StarClan's clouds were not enough this time, and to let you know that StarClan has taken a life from the arrogant leaders as punishment."

       Mudfoot looked over at Smokestar to see his amber eyes in panic.

     "I will leave you now to ponder what had been said." Sageflower said as she faded into the mist.

     While Bloodstar and Lightningstorm disscused that their kits were adopted loners Mudfoot and his family exchanged glances of worry, for they knew that their secret was about to be revealed, meaning that their future was uncertain.


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