Messages In a Bottle (Arthur Kirkland [England] X Reader)

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You are walking on a beach in Northern England. It's gray and overcast as usual. Only the very brave are daring to jump into the frigid waters today. For fear of catching hypothermia, you play it safe and walk along the beach. You decided to come and take a stroll on the beach this weekend because honestly, you had nothing better to do. 

Something reflecting the light catches your eye a bit father up the beach. You jog to where you think you last saw a sparkle and find a bottle buried in the sand. You gasp in surprise when you see that there is a letter inside the small bottle. You pry the cap off and wiggle the massage out. It reads: Help! I'm trapped in some sort of factory! Please get me out! Help! On the back an address is written. Fortune smiled on you today, the factory was only an hour drive to the south. 

You were bored today and wanted some adventure. Your relief came in a message in a bottle. What better way! You punched the address into the GPS on your car and drove off to the factory.

Soon, you entered a dark forest and the road quickly changed from asphalt into packed dirt. Farther down the road, there was a squat gray building with a large and dangerous fence surrounding it. The building sat on a bluff over a river. The river presumably running out to sea.

You drove up to the fence and were promptly told to go away by a voice coming from a speaker. Now you were curious. You pulled away, giving the illusion like you were gone for good. But instead, you hid your car behind a stand of trees far off from the property and sneaked around the perimeter of the fence. On the very edge of the bluff, there was a small hole under the fence, just large enough for you to squeeze through. You slid under the fence and raced to the edge of the building. There was a ventilation shaft a little above your head. You dragged one of the numerous crates that were laying around back here and stood on it. You pulled your trusty multi-tool from your jacket pocket and unscrewed the cover. "Too easy." You muttered to yourself. You hopped into the ventilation shaft and began to explore the building.

Everything seemed normal, just like any other mildly creepy industrial factory. That was until you came upon something much more interesting than the usual grayness. You pressed your face against the ventilation grate, these were'nt screwed in, so you had to be careful. Below you, there was a man sitting chained to a desk. The furnishings in the room were sparse. Like a straw pallet and chair sparse. The door was locked from the outside, and there seemed to be no cameras to record your every move. You threw the latch on the grate and dropped down into the room. The man looked very startled. "Are you the guy that needs help getting out?" You asked casually. The man nodded. You pulled out your multi-tool again and set to work to unchaining him from the desk. With a satisfying pop, that chain that bound him broke loose and he was closer to being free.

"Come on." You said. You held out your hand and helped him into the ventilation shaft after you. The both of you managed to crawl out of the building undetected. Once you were outside, you raced to the fence and squeezed under. You kept up your frantic pace as you ran back to your car with the man in tow. You jammed the key into the ignition and drove speedily away. 

Soon you were back on the main motorway, and you noticed the man you saved hadn't said a word the whole time. You now had a chance to get a good look at him. He was kind of cute, with thick eyebrows and bright green eyes. He had shoulder length blonde hair, not very flattering for him, but that could be fixed with a haircut. His clothes looked raggedy and worn. He was either in captivity for a long time, or he had zero fashion sense. 

"Th-thank you for saving me." The man sitting next to you stamerred out. "No problem." You returned. "My name is [First Name] [Last Name], nice to meet you." 

The man stared at you for a moment, probably assessing your character. "So do you have a name?" You asked, trying to get a conversation going. After you saved someone from a dark and gloomy factory, you think the least they could do was talk to you. 

"I don't think I do..." The man said after a moment. "Or at least I don't remember it..."

You looked a little surprised at this. This was much more interesting than what you had planned for the rest of the day, considering that your "plans" were watching reruns on TV. "So what do you remember?" You asked. 

"The last thing I remember was being hit over the head and passing out. The rest of my time I've spent in that factory working the skin off my bones. It's been like that for the past eight months I think. I sent that distress message out a week ago, I'm surprised it reached someone so fast. So what made you come and save me?" The man said. You figured that this was the longest thing you'd hear from him today.

"Well that's harsh. You might have amnesia. If you want, I can help you re-jog your memory, considering I'm probably the only person you know right now." You said. "And to answer your question, I had nothing better to do today and was looking for some adventure. I guess it found me."

The man looked a little crestfallen that you didn't want ot come save him out of gallantry. "Oh..." He whispered. "But I will take you up on that offer. I'm going to need all the help I can get [Name]."

Messages In a Bottle (Arthur Kirkland [England] X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now