Messages In a Bottle: Chapter 3

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The next morning, you both awoke bright and early, eager to set out to Arthur's house in hopes of discovering more of his memory. You hopped into your car, plugged the address into your GPS (you were forever getting lost) and drove of to Arthur's house with him in the seat next to you. You gripped the stearing wheel nervously, you had o idea what you would find in Arthur's house. So you brought along a few extra precautions. You had enoughweaponry piled in your backseat to stock the English army. You didn't like to talk of how you acquired all those weapons, let's just say you were a bit of a weapon master. [Author: yeah, I made you pretty kickbutt :)  ]  

After an hour of driving, you made it out into the senic countryside. Soon, you had pulled up into the drive of Arthur's house. It was a large cottage, complete with lavish gardens, which were unfoutunately falling into disrepair due to Arthur's absence. "Nice place you got here." You said as you strapped on some of the multitudes of weaponry in your backseat. You handed Arthur a pistol and a knife, though you did have your doubts if he knew how to use them. 

You both stood outside the two large burnished wood front doors of Arthur's home. "Well now or never." He said as he pushed open the large doors and gripped your hand. You blushed, and did your best to hide it. But Arthur wasn't paying attention. His home was neat and tidy, as if it hadn't been touched since he left, which was probably true. The house was furnished sparesly, but still elegantly, with bookshelves and other odds and ends decorating the walls. You and Arthur went through every room of the house, searching for anything that might give more to his identity.

This took you most of the day. You did find many things though, so your search wasn't without it's rewards. But alass, Arthur was still missing many important memories. He had information to continue functioning in his daily life, but he had a large gapping hole in his heart. He knew so little of his family and friends, he couldn't even remember his childhood. Butmost importantly, he couldn't recall whatsoever of the events leading up to his capture, or his capture at all.

You both sat together on a couch in the sitting room. "[Name]," he said, "Will you stay here with me tonight? I...I still don't know myself. And to tell you the truth, I'm a little scared." he confessed. This was odd for the proud and headstrong Brit. 'This must really be hard on him.' you thought. "Sure Arthur, I'll stay with you." You sat up, suddenly aware of something. "Hey Arthur," you said slyly, "If your name is Arthur, then isn't a nickname for you Iggy?" Arthur turned slightly red at this. "Shutup." He said, obviously embarassed. "What's wrong?" you asked. You leaned forward, resting your elbows on your knees. "I think Iggy is a cute nickname." Arthur's eyes brightened at this. "Really?" he asked. You nodded your head.  

You both sat reclineing against the couch. You yawned loudly. "Well I'm heading up to bed." You declared. "Care to join me?" You asked Arthur as you stood. "I think I will." He said as he took your arm and lead you up stairs. You knew tomorrow you had work to do, but since you worked from home most days, you didn't think that staying over at a friend's house would mess up any plans.

When you reached the main bedroom, you promptly kicked off your shoes, tossed your jacket on a chair and flopped in bed. You curled up under the covers ina t-shirt, jeans, and socks. Arthur rolled his eyes and followed you to bed, after he changed into pajamas. He was in his own house, he had the luxury to do so.

Arthur threw his arm around you, a little unsure of what to do. You curled up against his chest. "Arthur," you murmered sleepily. "Hm?" He whispered into your soft [h/c] hair. "Do you like me?" You asked. "Of course I like you love, why would you ask that?" He responded, obviously baffled by your sleepy mutterings. "I don't know, because I really like you too." You answer back. You hug each other close and you both soon drift off to sleep. Completely unsure of how to help Arthur regain his memory, or how to deal in the complicated affairs of the heart. 

[Author: Hoped you like this one guys. I'll be updating again soon I hope. If you have any requests, you can leave them in my messages.]

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