Messages In a Bottle: Chapter 9

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The week came and went, and you found yourself in Arthur's house once again. It was Saturday afternoon. Your movie night went well, it was an action movie that kept you both on the edge of your seat. 

You were currently wandering around Arthur's home, searching for him. "Arthur? Arthur?" You called. He was no where inside. You meandered into the back garden.

There Arthur was waiting for you, he was bouncing a football [A/N: Soccer ball for all you Americans] on his knees. "I was waiting for when you'd find me. Ready to play?" He lobed the ball in your direction. 

You easily caught it and settled it under your foot. "You're going down blondie." You declared confidently. 

Arthur scowled. "Don't call me blondie you bloody wanker." He moved to his side of the portioned off makeshift field. You two were playing on a grassy lawn within the garden. 

You dropped the ball in the middle of the field and kicked it hard at Arthur. The ball rocket into his stomach and he crumpled to the ground. "Good kick...." He said, his voice laced with pain. 

You smirked. "Ready to admit defeat?" You asked in a casual tone. 

"Never!" Arthur declared, standing back up and raising his fist in the air. The both of you preceded to battle back and forth across the field. 

You were trying to steal the football away from Arthur, when you accidentally tangled your leg a little too far. Arthur tripped and fell, landing directly on top of you. He climbed back up to his hands, using your chest as a platform. 

"Arthur!" You shouted at him. He looked down at his hands, then at your face, then at his hands again. He wore a mask of shock and embarrassment on his face. "Arthur! Get off my chest now!!!" You shouted at him.

He quickly moved his hands away and then fell back on top of you. His sweaty palms slipped in the grass. Arthur's nose was pressed against yours, his face uncomfortably close. You tried to move his weight off of you, but ultimately failed. "Arthur! Get off of me! You're squishing me!" You cried out.

Arthur regained his composure. "What, you don't like me so close?" He asked in a seductive whisper. The ends of his hair brushed your face and tickled your cheeks. 

This made you blush bright red. "Well, n-no... But I don't like to be squished!" You were desperately trying to prevent the blush from deepening across your face.  

"Hm, well then. Let's try and change that, shall we?..." Arthur asked in the same husky voice. He lightly brushed his lips across yours. You could feel your pulse quickening. Arthur lowered his lips again, but then deftly tilted his head to the side. He kissed your cheek quickly then sprang off you. 

You were left stuttering and flabbergasted, sitting in the grass on your butt. "I thought you were going to kiss me!" You shouted at Arthur with a bright red blush on your cheeks. 

Arthur merely chuckled at your appearance. "Well do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, arching one thick eyebrow.  Your only answer was to tackle him to the ground. 

Messages In a Bottle (Arthur Kirkland [England] X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now