Messages in a Bottle: Chapter 13

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You jerked your head up sharply as the bolts slid back against the heavy door to your cell. A guard strode in, looking arrogant as ever. You greeted the militaristically dressed captor with the usual bad tempered snarl. To your amusement, the guard chuckled instead of giving you the customary degrading remarks in return.

“Now is that any way to treat your rescuer?” The man pulled off the muted green cap he wore, exposing bright blonde hair and flashing green eyes. You and Arthur embraced in the classic sappy romantic movie running hug, before pulling away to grin sheepishly at one another.

The loud commotion outside of your barricaded shut cell door announced the fact of your discovered escape plan. You chewed your lower lip nervously, “How are we going to get out?”

Arthur grinned, his emerald eyes sparkling bright once again. “Same way you got in that long while back.”


The two of you made decent progress through the cramped and filthy ventilation systems, only pausing to gather your bearings twice. With the fact that the perimeters of the facility were probably under lockdown in mind, you and Arthur struggled to move faster.


How the both of you managed to enter into a ventilation system and then tumble out of a refuse chute was beyond you, but for now you and your green eyed companion were content to have exited the cloistered confinement of the building.

You and Arthur scrambled to your feet and sprinted to the safety of the nearby trees; not without attracting the attention of a group of surprised guards. It was an excruciatingly long hide-and-seek game with Arthur and yourself on one team, and your enemies tracking dogs on the other before.

By the time the two of you were able to shake the snarling beasts off your trail and return to the car parked on the main road, it was well past dawn. You nervously tapped your fingers across the dashboard as Arthur sped away from the fortress in the woods.

Arthur, being the gentleman he is, picked up on your anxiety. “You’re afraid they’re going to find us again, aren’t you?”

You sighed and sank back into the seat. “Not if, when they find us again. We would have to find a way to uncover them for us to remain safe, and we have absolutely no proof.”

“On the contrary, we do.” Arthur rummaged around in his pocket until he produced a small flash drive. “I managed to steal some files while I was under cover; you don’t believe I’m completely useless, do you?”

A small smile played across your lips. “Never in a million years.”

Messages In a Bottle (Arthur Kirkland [England] X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now