Messages In a Bottle: Chapter 8

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Arthur woke with a vicious pounding in his temples. "Ugh, my head feels like it's been used a drum." He complains in a sour tone. 

"That's because it probably was." Your voice broke through the haze surrounding Arthur's head. "Eat up." You set a tray of tea and scones on a small table beside the bed. 

Arthur took a bite out of one of the scones. His eyes grew wide. "Mpf, where did you get this? It's delicious." He says around a mouthful of scone. 

You chuckle at his antics. "I actually made them. Do you really like them that much?"

Upon hearing this information, Arthur's visage droops. "Well I guess they're good, but I can always do better." Arthur stuffs the rest of the scone in his mouth. 

"Are you challenging me to a bake off?" You ask, ready to beat Arthur. 

"Yes, I am. Ready to be beaten?" Arthur asks confidently. 

You raise you eyebrow and extend your hand. "Bring it on blondie." Arthur extends his own hand and you shake, sealing the competition. 

Half an hour later, they were creating a huge mess in Arthur's kitchen. Everything in the room, including themselves, was coated in a fine layer of flour. Arthur was tossing random cooing materials in to a bowl and stirring them together, hoping and praying that it wouldn't turn into a monster and eat them all.

You were mixing in precise amounts and following a recipe like a normal person would. You shaved in some lemon rind into your batter and sprinkled in fresh blueberries. "Ha! Blueberry lemon scones! Beat that!" You shouted at Arthur from across the room. 

He was mixing the batter in his bowl furiously, drops of it splatted the area he was working in and hung of his hair and face. "Well I am beating that!" He shouted back at you. 

You formed neat little scones on a baking tray and placed them in the oven. You set the time and temperature, dusted off your hands, and set to wait. Arthur threw in his haphazardly shaped scones into the oven next to it, he had one of those fancy ovens with two separate cooking sections, and punched in a random number. He sat in front of the oven, waiting expectantly with a hopeful look on his face. 

You looked around at the kitchen. It seemed as if angry baking trolls had stormed through. Batter was splattered almost everywhere, bowls and spoons lay in messy piles, and a layer of white flour settled over everything. "We really need to clean this place up...." You said, dreading the chore in front of you. 

"It doesn't look that bad-" Arthur turned around in his seat. "Oh...." He nodded his head in a agreement. "I'll get the mop." 

With the kitchen sparkling clean, the both of you pulled your scones from the oven. Yours were golden brown and smelled delicious, while Arthur's were rock hard and charred. Arthur took a bite from one of his scones. "It's not that ba-" He choked on the badly burnt scone. "Okay, maybe it is that bad." 

You handed Arthur one of you perfectly baked scones. "I guess I win then?"

Author: Sorry it's so short. I was starting to run out of ideas. But I'll have the next chapter out soon I hope! And it'll be more exciting than a bake off. 

Messages In a Bottle (Arthur Kirkland [England] X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now