Messages In a Bottle: Chapter 4

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You awoke in Arthur's arms, then blushed as you remembered what you said to him the night earlier. Let's hope he doesn't remember, You thought, Or at least won't bring it up again.

You glanced at the only clock in the room. Shoot! You overslept. You quickly dressed and started to leave, thinking that you'll leave Arthur a note telling him where you went. But Arthur caught you first. As you were leaving the room, he spoke up. "Hey [Name], can you stay with me for a while longer? Until I get my memory back, or most of it, or at least until we find the people that did this to me. The reason being that I don't feel safe by myself.

"Alright Arthur," You agreed, "I just have to pop by my house and grab a few things. I should be back in about three hours." You turn to leave, but Arthur catches you by the ankles. 

"Don't leave me that long," He pleads, "Take me with you!" Arthur sounds very much like a small child at the moment, but I guess losing all your memories messes up with your head. 

"Alright, alright, just hurry up okay. I'll be waiting by the front door." Arthur nods his head vigorously and lets you go. Within two minutes, he's walking out the front door with you. You both jump into your car and drive off for your house. When you get there, you grab your work, your favorite guitar, your journals, and some sort of an overnight bag for a week. You hop back in your car and head back to Arthur's house. Arthur helps you carry your stuff inside and sets it down in your shared room. 

"Arthur," You inquire, "Shouldn't you call your work? Their number was among those we found. Maybe they'll let you work from home if you ask." 

Arthur nods his head and searches for the phone number and a telephone. He finds them eventually and calls his work. A woman with a nasally voice answers the phone. "Hello? This is Abigail Martens at Mr. Arthur Kirkland's desk. Who is this?" Arthur clears his throat. "Hello Abigail, this is Mr. Kirkland. I'm here inquiring about the work I missed while I was away." Abigail's voice soars an octave. "Welcome back Mr. Kirkland! How have you been? I was so worried when you said you were leaving for a while because you didn't feel well. When can we expect you back at work?" 

It seemed to pay off that Arthur had a very chatty secratary. "Well I'm a bit better, thank you for asking, but I don't think I'l be back for a while more. But I'm sure I can work from home. Oh, and did I give any reasons for leaving? memory is slipping from me." 

"Alright Mr. Kirkland, I'll fax over your work now, it shouldn't take long. And no, you didn't. You were very vague about the reasons you left. But you've been gone for nine months. I hope you get better soon." Abigail chirps through the phone.

"Thank you Abigail, you've been a great help. Goodbye." Arthur hangs up the phone. Soon, the sound of a fax machine can be heard from the upstairs office. You grab your work things and head up to the office with Arthur. Even if you lose your memory and you're gone for nine months, life still carries on. 

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