Chapter 6

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   Valentina stared out of the car window while her father sang along to the radio, happy as a clam while she was filled with absolute dread.

Arrangements had been made for them to visit her grandfather, and her uncle would be popping by as well. Both were eager to meet Paul's daughter.

"Oh come on Val, this'll be fun! I'll show you all the places I used to hang out back in the day! And you'll get to meet your grandpa Jim and uncle Mike," Paul glanced at Valentina who's face remained stony and he pouted. "Aw, give me a smile darling?" Paul tickled her chin and she laughed, pushing his hand away.

"Hey, Dad?" Paul hummed happily and Valentina bit her lip "Do you think, later- Never mind."

"What love? Don't be nervous."

"When I go back home, that you could come to visit me, in LA......" there were small traces of hope in her shy voice.

  Paul almost hit the brakes. He was extremely touched that Valentina had reached a point of trust that she wanted him around after her mother took her back. That she generally liked him enough to want to spend time with him in her environment.

  He got a little misty eyed, though he'd never admit to the lads and sniffed, Valentina turning to him to eye him concerned.

"Dad, are you ok?" She stared at him warily as he pulled her head over while focusing on the road and kissed her head.

"I'm fine. Of course, I'd love to spend time with you. Anytime anywhere, baby, I'll always have time for you." She visibly relaxed.

"I'm glad I've gotten to spend time with you dad." She admitted and Paul's softened, reaching over to take one of her hands and have it a squeeze.

"Me too darling, me too."

Jim McCartney's residence, Rembrandt, the house in Heswall

When they arrived at the house, a plump older woman was waiting outside, along with a little girl who excitedly ran to Paul once he stepped outside of his car.

"Paulie!" She squeezed, jumping into Paul's arms while the man laughed, spinning her around.

"Hello Ruth love, how have you been?" Paul set the girl down and she beamed up at him.

"Good! I've missed you!" She looked at Paul, noticing Valentina standing awkwardly by the hood of the car.

"Who's that?" Ruth asked Paul curiously and he smiled, beckoning Valentina over who was holding onto one arm.

"This is Valentina, my daughter," Paul wrapped an arm around her, and she visually leaned into his hold, glad for his support "Valentina, this is my step sister Ruth."

Valentina smiled nervously at the little girl, who continued stared up at her.

"You're very pretty." Ruth blurted in the way only children did and Valentina's smile widened at the compliment.

"Thank you, I like your dress. I love polka dots." Ruth beamed, looking down at her pink and red polka dot dress.

"Ruthie, what do you say?" The older woman had come over by this point and she looked pointedly down at her daughter.

"Thank you!" She sent her mother her pointed look in return. The adults chuckled and Angela leaned over to embrace Paul and looked at Valentina.

"Hello Valentina, I'm Paul's stepmother Angela, I'm so happy to finally meet you dear," Angela smiled kindly and Valentina returned it shyly "well let's head inside, no use standing out here in the cold."

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