Chapter 11

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  "Hello my beautiful favorite adopted 'niece'!"

   John who was the third to arrive that morning grabbed Valentina from behind, squeezing her and planting a kiss on top of her head.

"I'm your only adopted niece, uncle John." She smiled as John released her, ruffling her hair causing her to shriek in distress and attempt to fix her curls.

"Which is why you're my favorite," he smirked, "how's house arrest with constable Paul been?" He asked, ignoring the scowl Paul gave him when he passed.

"Horrible. I haven't been allowed to make any phone calls nor go into London by myself without a chaperone. Prisoners in Alcatraz were treated better." She spoke loudly and pointedly at Paul who gave her a look.

"Keep up that attitude and you won't be going out at all." He sat down at the piano, trying out a new melody. The two McCartneys had stubbornly came to an agreement that if Valentina behaved herself, she would be permitted to wander about while Paul was at work. Within a reasonable distance of course.

  John quirked a brow and looked at the teenager whose expression clearly said, so you see now what I have to live with? To which John only squeezed her shoulder in sympathy.


  The brief trust Paul gave his daughter, was something she took full advantage of. While she applied a bit more makeup than what her father had seen that morning and unbuttoned her cardigan, revealing the slight dip in her blouse,  she practically rushed to the front door of the studio to leave, she was met with her uncle George who was lighting a cigarette in the hallway.

  Uncle George took a look at her outfit change and only inhaled his smoke. Valentina shifted nervously, slightly fearful he would march her back to her father who no doubt would pitch a fit. However George only maneuvered to the coat closet, pulling out her jacket and helped her slip it on before opening the front door for her.

  She gave him the most appreciative smile she could master and George returned it, having her a wink. Even if her parents were not, she was grateful she had a few people on her side.


  She met with Timothée in the same cafe where they had first met, embracing him like the star crossed lovers they appeared to be.

   "I don't know how much longer I can do this...." She admitted, looking down at the dark contests of her tea cup.

  "I'm going to talk to him." Timothée said and she stared at him bemused.

  "Talk to who babe?"

   "Your Dad." Her eyes widened and she nearly spilled the contents of her drink when she reached over to grab his hand.

  "No, no, no. You can't. It'll only make it worse if he finds out you're still in contact with me. No babe...." She shook her head as he laced their fingers together, using his thumb to rub soothing circles on her skin. She looked up into his dark brown eyes that held so much assurance.

   "It'll be okay Vee. I promise, everything is going to be okay." she softened at his  special nickname for her. Looking down at their connected hands, she nodded with reluctance.

  "They usually break around five for a smoke and tea break, come around than." She sighed, smiling slightly when he lifted their hands, kissing the back of hers.



Abby Road

Valentina glanced at the clock, and swallowed. Timothée and her father had gone into a private office and had been speaking since 5:00pm exactly. A part of her wanted to burst into the room and tell Timothée to run, that what her father was probably saying about him wasn't worth the anguish.

John, upon seeing the absolute terror on her face, invited himself to the confrontation, giving her a reassuring look as he followed the other two into the room. She knew her uncle would try to persuade her father and she could only hope he was succcessdul.

Her other "uncles" also, taking pity on her, attempted to entertain her with playing her favorite songs, or bringing her tea and cookies, but nothing soothed the anxiety she was having as she waited.

    Finally when she worked up the courage to attempt to persuade Ringo for one of his cigarettes, the door opened, startling Ringo, who dropped his drumsticks, nearly falling off his seat. Had the situation not been so serious, Valentina might have giggled at the sight.

  Paul entered first, followed by her secret boyfriend and John. Paul took a step forward, crossing his arms. Valentina stood, walking over to stand before him, like a convict meeting the judge for their final sentence.

  "I've decided that......"

Cliffhanger! I know, I'm too wicked. But cliffhangers always get readers excited! Myself included lol.

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