Chapter 14

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   The house she spent many Christmas, Thanksgivings and Easter dinners looked exactly the same. Her grandfather's patriotism swayed proudly in the sky from the flag pole, the Stars and Stripes sending a wave of nostalgia through Valentina.

Though at the same time, she could remember moments. Faint blurry memories of her grandmother making comments about her mother's appearance or just general insults. But she not to dwell on those things.

  A part of her feared her grandparents would have passed away or moved while she was gone, everyone too fearful of her reaction to inform her.

  Still the same though. Stone with with white trim and a plant walkway with a white picket fence and the large oak tree in the front yard with the tire swing.

Thousands of times she had climbed onto that tire and swung, staring up at the sky daydreaming about the world and what was out there. Waiting for the day that she could grow up and travel on her own.

Now she resented those thoughts.

The world was a cruel place and men were even crueler. Cruel in regards to how they took a girl's heart, promised her one thing and than left her in the dust the next day.

The sudden pressure of Paul's hand on her shoulders caused her to jump and she stared up at her father who smiled warmly at her, doe eyes that she had inherited soft.

"It's okay lovey, I'm right behind you." She attempted to return his smile but it was a struggle.

Ringing the doorbell was an even odder feeling, however everything disappeared when her grandmother opened the door, engulfing her in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh sweetie you're here! Oh you've gotten so pale, let me get a look at you," her grandmother, a beautiful woman of only fifty-two with only a few smile lines around her eyes, made a sound of approval as she looked Valentina over "you look sensational though kid." She winked before her attention shifted to Paul.

Veronica Gambini nee Brown, was from Brooklyn, New York, born and raised and it was that same city, that she met Valentina's grandfather a fellow New Yorker, Gabriel Gambini.

She and her husband had interrogated a frightened, teenage Paul for over two hours and she'd pitched a fit until Gabriel who, despite being as brash and outspoken as she was, had gently reminded her how difficult things were for a interracial couple, themselves being a prime example.

He hadn't wanted his daughter to be a single mother and to be subjected to the cruelty and gossip, but it was easier to say Valentina's father died in an accident than to admit that her father was a English musician at the time.

"Hello Paul." Veronica smiled politely at her granddaughter's father who offered her his most appealing and charming smile in return, eager to impress even now.

"Hello Veronica, you're looking lovely as ever, if even more so than the first time I met you." Paul charmed and Veronica snorted, however she accepted the compliment.

"Flattery will get you everything with me. But don't be cheap with it....You two get inside before we burn to death out here. Goddamn California heat." Veronica moved aside to allow the father and daughter in.

"Nana, it's four times as hot in New York right now, probably even more!" Valentina rolled her eyes playfully while her grandmother smirked, linking their arms.

"Doesn't mean I gotta like it here."

"Oh Ronnie leave the kids alone."Gabriel wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders "now how about a hug for your old Nonno eh?" He opened his arms and Valentina flew into them, laughing as her grandfather swung her around.

  "She's gotten so beautiful." Veronica gushed as her husband set Valentina  down.

  "Yeah she's a Gambini alright. She's looking more and more like her mother everyday," Will tilted Valentina's chin up "thank goodness," He muttered lowly and Paul blinked in disbelief, "Paul. Good to see you." He clapped Paul on the shoulder, smiling warmly, the musician buckling slightly from the force.

He'd always been nicer to Paul than his wife, having respect for the way Paul was raised, having grown himself in a working class environment in his family home.

  "Gab, always a pleasure sir." Paul smiles back before hoisting the suitcases up.

  While her father and grandfather carried the suitcases up to the bedrooms, Valentina was steered to the backyard by her grandmother.

  The older woman apologized profusely about not being able to take her in when her mother was hospitalized, but with her husband's poor health, the government didn't see them fit to care for her.


  Once situated outside, Veronica turned to Valentina, a kind and yet somewhat concerned look on her face, reaching out to take her hand.

"Are you doing okay sweetie?" Valentina nodded and played with the edge of her skirt.

"Yeah, yeah I am. It's just..... I'm a little nervous to see Mom." Veronica nodded in agreement.

"I know. But she's doing better and she's always asking about you." Valentina stared at her grandmother in disbelief.

"If she was so concerned about me, why doesn't she call more often." She scowled, crossing her arms.

"Sweetheart, she's been in a bad way, between the medication they gave her and her own therapy, she didn't want you to hear her like that. Most of the time she's too out of it to speak to you." Veronica shifted uncomfortably. The current conversation was one she tried to avoid on a daily basis.

  "All set guys?" Veronica smiled as the two came to join them; Will sitting next to his wife while Paul sat next to his daughter.

  "Yep, we're good now."

  "Nana, are the keys to the car still in the drawer in the kitchen? I wanna show my dad around." Valentina abruptly stood from her seat.

  "Already? You two just got here." Veronica blinked, setting down her smoke.

  "Let them go Ronnie. You gotta start working on dinner anyways right? I gotta go pick up the lawn mower from Mr. Perisi anyways." Will waved off his wife's concern, earning a great full smile from his granddaughter.

  "Fine. Yes it's still in the drawer. Dinner will be served by five and if you two ain't back it's going in the fridge. I mean it Valentina." Veronica wanted lightly, only to smile as the young girl wrapped her arms around her, kissing her cheek.

  "Thank you Nana, I love you." Veronica melted and hugged her granddaughter back fiercely.

"I love you too, now go show your daddy the sights of the city." She nudged Valentina towards Paul who smiled brightly as she took his hand dragging him out.

"Come on Dad!" She practically flew down the pathway and Paul struggled to keep up.

"Slow down love, we're here until the 11th, plenary of time to go exploring." Paul couldn't keep the grin off his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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