Chapter 8

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March 11th, 1967

John's hand edged towards the card deck and he pulled out another card, his face betraying nothing.

  Valentina glanced at him before pushing forward a twenty dollar bill towards the growing pile of pounds, dollars, lipstick, compact mirror and pick of gum in the center of the table.

"Your pick Mr. Lennon...." she spoke ominously and John smirked, reaching across to pull a card from her hand.

"You're in a pretty confident mood there McCartney junior...." He quirked an eyebrow and she shrugged.

"I'm feeling lucky." She winked, face betraying nothing.

"Not for long you won't." John put a pair of cards down.

"Are you betting with my daughter?" Paul paused in the doorway of his living room after closing the door behind him "What on earth are you playing?" He furrowed his brows, staring at the children's cartoons on the cards.

"Old Maid and I'm about to become a very wealthy musician." John smirked, he only had three cards left.

"That's what you think, but don't be too sure uncle John." Valentina smirked, and laid down her final remaining cards showing a match "Read 'em and weep sucker." She pulled the pile close as John grumbled throwing down his cards.

"This is what happens when you gamble with a teenage girl. I already learned my lesson." Paul rolled his eyes as John huffed dramatically and Valentina tugged the pile of goods towards her.

  "No, this is what happens when I babysit for you." John clarified and Valentina pouted.

"I'm not a baby uncle John." she wined   and John smirked.

  "But here," she reached into her pile and slid over a dollar bill," buy yourself some peanuts." She grinned slyly while Paul laughed.

  "That's my girl." He kissed her head as he moved past and towards the staircase.

  "John I'll be working on some songs you can join me when you're finished pouting." He called over his shoulder before disappearing over the top of the stairs.

"You have to tell him." John spoke seriously, all traces of humor gone and Valentina stared at for a second and had she'd been a canine, her ears would be back.

"No, I don't. We've kept it quite this long." She shrugged and began packing the cards.

"Valentina this isn't a game. Paul rarely gets truly angry, but he'll murder the lad if he finds out the wrong way." John shook his head trying to get her to understand "what will the press think? Brian has a hard enough time

"I won't give him up....." Her hands shook as she put the cards in their case.

"Sweetheart....." John sighed tiredly.

"Everyone deserves to be loved." She whispered, John's face softening at her words.

As he opened his mouth to retort, his gaze softened seeing the tears welling in her eyes and she took a shuddering breath  "He is my sole comfort in this arrangement that I have been shoved into and I will not let go of the only man that has ever loved me."

John opened his mouth to answer her, but his face paled and eyes widened as he stared at something behind her back.

   Dread filling her veins, Valentina also turned, only to face Paul who stared at them with an unreadable expression.


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