Chapter 12

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Valentina smiled as Jane leaned in, lightly dusting blush on her caramel cheeks. The older woman was just putting the finishing touches on her makeup and Valentina could hardly sit still.

She nervously ran her hands over her dress, which was a red summer dress with white dots, a very Minnie Mouse look that she was reluctant to wear, only to have Jane wave off her concerns.

"You're going to break hearts with that face." Jane smiled fixing one of Valentina's curls with a smile.

They had opted to keep her hair in its naturally curly state, it was too hard to straighten it every day only to have t bush up in the damp weather that was London.

"Thanks, Jane." Valentina smiled up at the redhead who beamed.

The two had gotten along a lot better after Paul and calmed down about his issue of his daughter hearing him and Jane in the bedroom, the latter becoming kinder and more understanding once she got to know Paul's daughter.

"He won't know what hit him." She shooed Valentina our fo the room, following behind.


Paul was sitting in the living room, smoke in hand, and from the looks of the ash tray, he'd gone through plenty of cigarettes. Martha was as usual, laying at his feet, her head only lifting once she heard Valentina and Jane's footsteps entering the room.

Valentina rolled her eyes as Paul smoked his cigarette like a chimney, eyes narrowed as he glared at nothing.

"Daddy, relax yourself...." she dragged out the word, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

  "I'm your father, it's my job to worry love," Paul pointed out before he finally looked at her, and his gaze softened "you look beautiful.....You look so much like your mum...." Valentina stiffened slightly before swallowing.

  Luckily, the honking of a car horn saved her from answering the awkward statement and she bent down to kiss Paul's cheek.

"Bye Daddy, I'll be back later." She smiled cheerfully before quickly hugging Jane.

"Thanks again, Jane!" She beamed at the older woman.

"It was my pleasure Val, have fun."

  "But not too much fun!" Paul yelled as Valentina unlocked the front door.

  "Paul!" Jane scolded him lightly and he pouted, and moved to the window to watch, "oh Paul please just sit down! She'll be fine." She reassured her fiancée, moving to wrap her Ames around him, kissing his shoulder.


Four hours later

Valentina clumsily handed Timothée the key to the front door, a drunken smile on her face while the boy tried to quiet her, only to have her throw her arms around him, sighing blissfully.

  Inside the house was dark and silent until Valentina knocked over the coat rack, the sound echoing off the walls.

  "Oops." She burst into giggles while Timothée desperately tried to quiet her down, though it was in total vain as the upstairs lights flickered on and the sound of footsteps headed towards the landing.

"Shit..'' Timothée cursed quietly and Valentina gasped, pointing at him, which was difficult given she was still clutching him.

"Ohh, you said a bad word...''She wiggled her pointer figure before laughing again, barely standing upright as the boy held her up.

''What the bloody hell is going on here!?'' Paul tied his dressing gown tighter and crossed his arms at the sight of his daughter being held up by  Timothée while her heels were in her hand.

''Good evening Mr. McCartney sir...'' Timothée smiled sheepishly and Paul glared at him, not in the mood at all.

''Why is she drunk?'' He watched Valentina tug on a strand of her hair, watching with wide eyes as it bounced before she repeated the action.

''There were reporters when we got to the restaurant, and they said some really hurtful comments. I told Mar to let it go, but she insisted on having a drink, and she looked so sad, but then one drink turned into a second and a third....'' Timothée looked away from the older man guiltily.

Paul sighed, rubbing his temples before shaking his head. ''Right, help me get her up to her bedroom and then you get on home.'' Paul wrapped one of Valentina's arms around his shoulder and together, he and Timothee carried Valentina upstairs.


  When Paul returned to her bedroom after ensuring Timothée was indeed sober and he sent the boy home, he found his daughter still awake, now sitting up in the bed with her head on her knees.

''You know you're grounded right?'' Paul asked and the girl ignored him.

   With a sigh, Paul sat next to her on the bed, his gaze softening at the tears that were pooling in her eyes, yet she refused to let fall ''What happened?''

''They recognized me, and started saying shit about mom...'' Paul didn't bother to comment on her language, sensing she was going to continue ''And someone asked if I'm just as crazy as her and if I had my own room in a mental ward like her...'' Valentina shrugged Paul's hand off her shoulder when he reached out to comfort her.

''Love, you mustn't let people get to you.."

''I don't.... I don't give a shit what the press says, I used to when I was little, but not anymore. It's just...being reminded of how sick mom was..... Wasn't-Wasn't she ever thinking of me? Why didn't she see a doctor....." Valentina looked up at her father.

''...I... I can't really answer that for you love,'' Valentina nodded, giving a sniff but Paul titled her head up ''But I can tell you, is that your mum loves you so much. She does darling, she just has some problems with life like a lot of people.''

''Why couldn't she just have talked to me?'' Valentina asked sadly and Paul shook his head with a sad smile.

''It's not always that easy love. People have their demons and they find ways to cope with them, a lot of times in ways that are just... terrible for themselves and others. But your mum is strong enough she didn't choose those vices. All we can do is hope, that she'll break free of hers and return to us.'' He wiped her tears with his thumbs before bringing her in for a hug.

''Thanks, Dad." Valentina sniffed against Paul's shirt and the bassist kissed the top of her head before laying his cheek on her head.

''I'm always here for you my darling. Please don't forget that.'' He squeezed her gently.

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