Chapter 3

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I've altered the timeline a bit to suit the plot. So it's currently, 1967 in January. Valentina is 15, Paul is 29 because if I go any younger, it would be impossible for him to have a 14 year old daughter. So I'm stretching the time line of events. So all previous Beatle events have occurred, but at a much longer time period. So the band breakup will still occur in the 1970s, but slight timeline changes.

Paul, having managed to secure a few days off for himself to get Valentina more comfortable and acclimated to him and her new home, made every effort to entertain his daughter. Slowly but surely she grew more comfortable around him, up to the point that he realized that she was as talkative as himself.

The corresponding letter writing and telephone calls over the years could not compare to actually speaking to his daughter in person, learning her favorite color was now smoky purple, that she had a rescue dog, (a cocker spaniel named Bambi who was six years old and who she missed dearly but her grandparents were taking care of) that she was fluent in Spanish and Italian, that she was a junior competition salsa dancer, and to Paul's delight, a song writer in her free time!

"They're just little ideas I jont down. Nothing like what you and Mommy sing...." She'd bashfully told him during dinner on her third day in London. Paul had made her promise to show him her songs, but whenever the teenager was ready.

He could only be thankful that she had opened up so quickly to him. True it took her a few moments every once in a while to gather the courage to voice her opinion on some things, but he could see her slowly putting her guard down around him.

Oh how he wished he could have taken the rest of the month off to further connect with his onto child, but he knew he was pushing it with Brian as it were and no amount of puppy dog eyes were going to make his manager extend his impromptu vacation.

Prior to her arrival, Paul has asked Freda to register Valentina in a nearby Catholic school (Valentina's personal preference and although Paul didn't practice the faith since his mother died, held no qualms for her choice) that she would begin attending the first of February in a few weeks.

Because of this, he had no choice but to bring her with him to Abby Road, less he leave her alone in his house and although he trusted her, he didn't trust some psycho to burst in and kidnap her while he was at the studio.

Valentina had kept her eyes out her window as they drove to the studio, taking in all that was England. When he pulled to his usual parking space near Abby Road Studios, he couldn't help but puff a little in pride to show his child where exactly all his hard work took place at.

"Well here it is, this is where I work," Paul stated proudly, opening his car door and stepped out. As usual, the fangirls were standing on the outside of the studio gate and they immediately grew excited once they recognized Paul's car.

Paul smiling politely at the girls, signed autographs, and answering their questions as they flocked him, taking the time to engage each one, less they start fighting for his attention.

Valentina opened her door after a few minutes and the fangirls grew silent staring at the young girl, a very pretty girl no less, with their Paul.

Valentina glared at them challenging and they avoided her eyes whispering amongst themselves and shooting her dirty looks while Paul was distracted with their friend.

"What, you got something you wanna say to my face?" She sneered after a particular pair giggled and pointed at her, and Paul, having caught on, took her by the elbow and les her to the building before a fight broke out.

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