Chapter 2

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   January 7th, 1967


    Paul paced nervously in the entranceway of his house, his fourth cigarette tucked between his fingers as glanced out the window again, as he waited for Valentina to arrive.

Martha was snoozing a few feet away from him, unbothered by her master's stress, if her stretched out legs me snores were any indication. Palms sweating, Paul did a quick survey over the sitting room again, ensuring it was at its best in appearance.

He'd had deep cleaning of Cavendish done prior to his daughter's arrival, wanting to impress her to the best of his ability. Her flight was a Red Eye that would arrive in London at 11:00, and much to his relief, the gate birds had already turned in for the night, so there was no chance of anyone seeing them. Though his anxiety didn't decline in the least. Thousands of questions ran through his brain, which he had no answers for.

   Will she like me?

Oh God, what if she hates me...

  Does she look more like her mother or me?

I hope she likes it here.....

   What if she's allergic to peanuts?!

  So wound up in his thoughts he jumped almost a foot in the air when there was a brisk knocking on his front door. Practically running for the front door, he just barely stopped himself from tripping over one of Martha's toys.

  Swallowing, Paul adjusted his clothes one last time and hesitated with his hand on the doorknob before bracing himself and unlocking the door, looking at the person on the other side.

   A young girl stood in front of him, roughly the age of 14. Identical eyes stared back him- the exact shape and color shade of his own, were wide with curiosity; fear, and a bit of resentment, but mostly curiosity.

Her hair, dark, curly and reaching her elbows, was held out of her face with a Burberry headband flattered her golden undertone caramel complexion.

  As Paul looked closer, he could see a faint splash of freckles that dusted her cheeks. She looked like a miniature version of her mother and while it relived him that she he inherited her mother's beauty, it pained him at the same time.

  They stood there, staring at each other for what felt like eternity until the driver who had most of Valentina's luggage, cleared his throat awkwardly, holding the extra suitcases up.

  Paul blinked before finding his voice. "Shite, sorry, please come in, you must be freezing love." He moved or if the way, allowing Valentina and her escort to step inside.

   Once the driver had gotten the suitcases inside, he bid Paul and Valentina  a goodnight, and Paul followed him to the door, locking the gate behind his car and trekked back to his home.

    Paul closed the door and stood there for a second before turning around. Valentina was standing there gazing around the living room before her eyes landed on Paul and she looked away shyly.

  He walked over until he was a foot before her. "Valentina.... I haven't seen you since......" he trailed off wanting to pull her into his arms but refrained, less he frighten the poor girl.

  She lifted her gaze to meet his," "I was six." Her voice didn't have the same New York undertone accent as her mother but rather the relaxed tone of a born raised Southern Californian.

  "Right, right. But we've talked on the phone regularly and I've sent you dozens of letters... But seeing you in person love, you've grown up so much though. Let me get a look at you....My God, you're so beautiful...." Paul whispered and Valentina opened her mouth to respond but barking and the thundering of heavy paws distracted her and Paul made a move to late to stop Martha before the dog bounded up to them.

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