Chapter 9

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Paul eerily remained calm. Taking a breath, he turned to his song writing partner, just barely managing a somewhat apologetic smile.

  "John, I'm sorry but we'll have to go over the songs later..... I need to speak to my daughter alone right now." Both John and Valentina inwardly shuddered, neither accustomed the dark tone from the normally charming mop top.

"Right, Cyn's probably waiting for me..." John cleared his throat while Valentina stared at the ground completely avoiding Paul's gaze "I'll just um.....Call my driver from the other room, and wait for him in there. I'll see you in the studio......Valentina." John nodded, sending her an apologetic look, that she didn't see, (to busy staring at her father in fear) before he leaned in to whisper in Paul's ear, "go easy on her Macca. She's just a girl." And with those parting words, he headed towards the front door, closing it quietly behind him.

The two McCartneys remained there in silence for a few minutes, Paul trying to wrap his head around the situation and Valentina too afraid to confront her father's oncoming wrath.

"Tell me it's not true. It better be damn well not true." Paul began moving to stand before her. Valentina avoided his gaze, flinching as he suddenly grabbed her chin tightly, forcing her to look at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you young lady," He frowned  and let her go  after a moment, "you've been lying to me....All this time? And Ringo knew about it? I don't......You know what, whatever it is, it's over. You're not to see that boy again, do you understand me?"

"You can't keep me from him. I love him." She clenched her fists  and Paul shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Valentina. You're only a girl. You're too young to know what love is. You don't need to date, enjoy being a kid while you still can." Paul stressed and she shook her head, refusing.

He sighed and crouched down before her and put his hand on her knee, his gaze softer, "Look, I don't expect you to understand everything I do to protect you now but-" Valentina pushed him away standing up and shaking her head in disgust.

"God stop it! I hate it when you treat me like a child!" She spat and Paul stood to his full height glaring down at her with anger, patience forgone.

"Well like it or not the young lady you are my child." He reminded her pointedly.

"I wouldn't even be a virgin if you didn't drive me everywhere!" She spat.

  There, it was out in the open.

  Paul paled and looked like he was about to be sick, "Please, please don't talk like that."

"What're you gonna do? Send me away from the problem like Mommy would? Because that sure as hell didn't work and it won't keep him or any boy out of my panties."


  Valentina feel the sting in her cheek and the tears welling in her eyes as she slowly turned her head to look back at her father, clear hurt and disbelief on her face. Paul himself was shocked by his own action, but he quickly sobered up.

  Oh God, he'd never hit a woman before and he never thought he would......But, he knew he couldn't go back from it. He had to be stern, like his own father had been when he'd been a teenager.

"You are never to see him again, end of story. There will also be consequences because you kept it from me."

"If you do, I'll leave." She threatened and Paul paused turning back to face her.

"I'm actually considering sending you back to your grandparents if it keeps you two apart." He replied but she shook her head.

"No, I mean like running away, you'll never find me. But I'll tell Timmy where I am. He'll come find me and we'll be happy. If you walk out that door to go after him, you'll never see me again I promise you. I got a lot of friends I met over the years while my mom was on tour. I'll make my way back to America. There are fifty states, that's a whole lot of land to go searching on." She glared through her reddening cheek.

  "Valentina Mary McCartney, I am your father and you will do as I damn say." Paul roared and Valentina shrunk before running up the staircase to her room.

   Paul stood there in the middle of the living room and buried his face in his hands.

  When had the world gone to shit?

   "You hit her?!" Ella screeched over the telephone twenty minutes later and Paul pulled the device from his ear.

"You're missing the point, Elle. Our daughter lied to me! She got John to lie to me! If I hadn't caught on she would have probably lost her bringing by now! Our own daughter!" Paul leaned against the wall.

"This... this all your fault Paul! I told you to keep her safe and now not only is she having secret relationships, but you hit her! If I knew I couldn't have trusted you with her, I wouldn't have sent her to you...." She hissed and Paul narrowed his eyes, suddenly annoyed.

  "Don't get high and mighty with me Ella . You were the one who had a breakdown in front of a child. You're the one who raised her all this time. Didn't you talk to her about the dangers of dating or were you too busy screwing around yourself?" He spat, bitterly.

".........You asshole...Regardless of what happened, what're we going to do now with her?" Ella sounded tired over the line and the hurt from the insult was clear and it burned a hole in his heart for having made her upset.

   "I don't know...... I could send her to her grandfather's for a week or two. She's threatened to run away though."

  "She's done that before. The last time when she was thirteen. She made it San Jose where her ex stepdad stays occasionally. She listens to him. Maybe I could have him come down to speak to her?" Paul's eyes narrowed and he frowned, standing straighter.

  "I don't like the idea of some man hanging around my daughter."

   "He's not some man. Nicky's been around since she's been nine. He's the closest thing she's had to a father it side of you and she listens to him."

    Paul didn't understand the weird jealousy that was building in his stomach at the idea of someone else being a father to Valentina. He pushed the emotion aside for the moment to focus on the larger picture.

  "I'll think about it. Valentina's mentioned some other guy, Joe?"

  "Joe... he was this trumpet player who used to play with me on tour, we hung out when Nicky was out of town.... he's gone now. But Nicky is a good guy Paul. He's a photographer from LA."

"I'll think about it, Ella. Ok?" Paul sighed suddenly tired and feeling twice his age.

"Just make sure my daughter doesn't do something reckless." And with that she hung up, making Paul growl in annoyance.

   Later that evening, Paul hesitated before knocking on Valentina's bedroom door before entering. Martha perked up from her spot on the bed, nose wiggling as she eyed the plate in Paul's hand. Valentina glanced at him then back to the book she'd been reading.

  "I made you something to eat," He stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, looking lost "It's a grilled cheese sandwich. Your favorite...." he held the plate out.

"I'm not hungry."

"Well, I'll leave it on your nightstand in case you get hungry." Paul waited for the response that he knew he wasn't going to get.

"I have to go out to, deal with some business. Cynthia agreed to come over to watch you while I'm gone."

"I don't need a babysitter," Valentina hissed "I'm old enough to look after myself." She huffed.

"Well, right now your acting like a little brat and do not think for a second I have forgotten about what you did." Paul glared and Valentina rolled her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Paul left the room before doing something he'd regret.

Now just to wait for Cynthia before he went to talk with John.

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