Chapter 13

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Being grounded didn't pertain too much in the McCartney house in Cavendish. Paul had actually never grounded anyone before and had no idea what exactly to do.

He knew what his father would do to his brother and him, but he didn't exactly want Valentina to mow the lawn or do any other kind of hard labor.

  So, he basically did what Cynthia advised him to do, (not without John's attempts to persuade him to go easy on his 'niece'). No television, no going out (especially with her boyfriend) no listening to records etc. But besides that, Paul had her help him with rearranging furniture until lunch time came along.

  "You're still grounded, but there's nothing in the house to eat so we're going out." Paul reminded her for the eighth time as he pulled over to a restaurant where he knew he wouldn't be harnessed.

  Luckily the place was barren, save for a few older couples that didn't pay the father and daughter any mind, much to Paul's relief.


When their food arrived, Valentina picked at it with her fork and Paul frowned, setting his own fork down.

"I've been thinking.....And since we've got a small break coming up.....if you wanted to fly back to California to see your grandparents and your friends I'll go with you." Valentina's gaze shot up and she smiled widely at her father who returned the expression.

''Really Daddy?'' At Paul's nod, she jumped to her feet, grabbing her father in a tight hug, repeatedly thanking him over and over.

''It's my pleasure love, besides, I want to see where it is that my little girl grew up, who her friends are...'' Paul's eyes twinkled as Valentina finally pulled away.

''Of course! And now that I'm legal to drive, I can show you all around!'' She beamed and Paul's widened slightly.

So far the few driving lessons he'd given her, well it was better to say that Valentina made a fantastic passenger.

"Whatever you say my love." Paul squeezed her hand, pulling away as their food arrived.

Valentina sat outside with Martha later that night. Jane has stayed over and if she had to be honest, the redhead and Paul weren't the quietest couple in England, despite their bedroom being all the way down the hall.

Stroking Martha's shaggy head, Valentina stared at the stars above her. To be honest, she was a little nervous to go home. She and her mother hadn't parted on the best of terms. Talking on the telephone was one thing, but speaking to her face to face?

Valentina exhaled deeply, letting the chilly air caress her arms. She may as well prepare herself mentally for the visit.

If only she was legally allowed to drink.


April 1967

"Thank you for flying with Pan American Airlines, have a nice day and we hope to travel again with you soon."

"Not soon enough." Valentina muttered as she and Paul began exiting the plane. Paul's disguise was as ridiculous as it could possibly be.

He was sporting a blonde wig with a matching beard, large shades and an even larger sun hat with a t shirt that read "I heart Cali."

"I can't believe I'm being seen with you." Valentina joked as hey we're quickly ushered into a private car.

"Oh? You don't like your old man's new look? I'm deeply hurt love, especially since I was growing quite fond of this mustache...." Paul teased back, stroking the fake mustache, only to have Valentina try to snatch it off with a laugh.


Chuckling, Paul removed the wig and beard watching Southern California roll by.

He'd always liked California, the people were open minded, environmentally friendly and it was just a nice place overall.

Glancing at Valentina, he frowned upon noticing her leg nervously shaking.

Reaching over, he placed his hand on her knee, squeezing lightly. The young girl glanced at him and he gave her an reassuring smile.

"It'll be alright love. I'm with you every step of the way." He winked and she relaxed, giving him a small smile in return.

"Thanks Dad." She meant it, as she was sure a hell going to need it.

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