Chapter 7

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Two days later, Abby Road.

You could have heard a pin drop.

Three sets of eyes stared at each other until Valentina took a step forward, eyes pleading as she looked at Ringo while Timothee looked uncomfortable.

  Poor Ringo stared at them with a look that was complete surprise.

  "Ringo, please don't tell my dad." Valentina whispered, voice shaky. While Paul had been his normally cheery self when he formally met Timothée, the teenager wasn't permitted in or anywhere near Valentina's bedroom.

While her father never audibly said she couldn't date, it was clearly unsaid that Paul wouldn't approve, no matter how much he liked the boy.

Which meant sneaking around under the guise of doing homework together and hanging out, all the more easier to sneak in little kisses here and there.

At least, that is until they were caught by Ringo Starr. Said drummer only shook his head, turning his attention to Timothée, a look of suspicion in his baby blues.

   "You two really don't know how to be careful do you? Paul's have a fit if he finds out you're dating Valentina. Does anyone else know?" Ringo ran a hand through his own hair, as he stepped back, allowing the couple to step out of the closet.

  Paul made it no secret, that Valentina wasn't allowed to date. Not until she was thirty and even then he'd have a background check done on the man who wanted to take his baby girl on a date.

   "Uncle John I think. That's it." Valentina shook her head as her stomach turned at the possibility of Ringo telling Paul.

  "I don't like lying to Paul's face. You have to tell him eventually, if you don't Timothée, Paul will murder you," Ringo warned and the boy nodded, pulling Valentina to his side slightly, "Paul's going to go ape shite when he finds out though. I hope you know that."

"I know. But the truth of the matter is, I love her and I'll fight for her." He looked at Valentina lovingly and she smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek in one hand.

"Teenager romance. Complete and utter madness." Ringo shook his head fondly yet tiredly one last time before moving down the hall.

  Timothée and Valentina shared a look before both let out a breath of relief as they separated. "Jesus, that was close.''  He ran a hand down his face tiredly.

"Too close. Ringo's right Timmy, we can't keep this from my dad." Valentina sighed shifting to one foot.

"Keep what from your dad?" The couple  jumped and turned to face Paul who was staring at them curiously.

"A surprise party we were gonna keep for you! To-ugh-celebrate the new album." Valentina lied and Paul's face lit up joyfully.

"Aw, that's so sweet. Come here dear," He held out his arms and she walked in, allowing him to squeeze her tightly and plant a kiss on the top of her head "Anyway, I was looking for you. You ready to go home now love?" Paul held her at arm's length, rubbing her arms and she nodded.

"Ok, let me just grab something and I'll meet you outside babe. Tim, I can drop you off too." Paul kissed the side of Valentina's head before leaving the two in the hallway.

Valentina glanced at Timothée, "I can't keep lying to him. It'll break his heart." She whispered.

With a dejected sigh, Timothée nodded, "We'll tell him. The album should be out soon, after that, we'll do it. He'll be in too good a mood to complain," He rubbed her knuckles with his thumb, "it'll all work out Tina."

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