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"Do you ever question, as to why things are the way they are?" I asked him curiously.

He titled his head and observed me before replying, "Always." "So, what answer do you find?" I probed him further.

"That's the beauty of it my love, there isn't one. You just have to let it be the way it is and enjoy the best you an. If you keep questioning you'll miss out the fun." He said grinning.

"So you are saying that we should take risks even when you know they aren't healthy for you?" I asked him haughtily.

"Yeah, more or less.." He said now looking at me intently trying to figure out what I was up to.

I moved ahead and kissed him. It was unexpected and sudden so he stood there shell shocked.

"Is that a risk?" I asked grinning evilly before walking away.


Tirisa Macbeth is a different shade of colours, slightly bold and mostly deadly. Join her as she figures out her way in the new world she has entered and experience her shades as she unravels her mysteries.

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